gabriel g.
It´s the same in audio and video:
For video (just facts):
Everybody saying film looks better then digital: why do they say that:
Because (just facts)
Film: for example SUPER 35mm with a high ASA (like ASA 100) has up to 8000 pixels horizontal.
To avoid alias structures you have to double size this definition up to 16 000 pixels.
2.Your colour information have the same defnition because all colours (RGB)
are lying on each other in the medium film.
Digital: for example the RED ONE
1. Has a 4000 pixels horizontal with one 35mm CCD chip
2. The colour information is saved in a "bayern-pattern" so you have RED, BLUE, GREEN and and one more GREEN.
So you have just 1000 horizontal pixels for each colour
3. with interpolation the picture becomes "pimped" up to a speudo 4k.
So the FILM totaly owns the digital
at the end of the progress (digital the film, cutting, compressing,exposure to light, copying)
you sometimes have just 15000 horizontal pixels left in the cinema.
So a lot of people just say: go all the way digital to avoid deprivation of definition...
For video (just facts):
Everybody saying film looks better then digital: why do they say that:
Because (just facts)
Film: for example SUPER 35mm with a high ASA (like ASA 100) has up to 8000 pixels horizontal.
To avoid alias structures you have to double size this definition up to 16 000 pixels.
2.Your colour information have the same defnition because all colours (RGB)
are lying on each other in the medium film.
Digital: for example the RED ONE
1. Has a 4000 pixels horizontal with one 35mm CCD chip
2. The colour information is saved in a "bayern-pattern" so you have RED, BLUE, GREEN and and one more GREEN.
So you have just 1000 horizontal pixels for each colour
3. with interpolation the picture becomes "pimped" up to a speudo 4k.
So the FILM totaly owns the digital

at the end of the progress (digital the film, cutting, compressing,exposure to light, copying)
you sometimes have just 15000 horizontal pixels left in the cinema.
So a lot of people just say: go all the way digital to avoid deprivation of definition...