anathema live in UK

The Cavanagh Brothers Trio (hehe), John and Les. That is of course if they don't kill each other until then.....
new line up

vincenta-- female vox
fax tru a fax machine- guitars
sampled cow bell- drums percussion
stolen bc rich - alll keys (bit weird that one)

this is old news folks do try keep up!!
sure mehdi go go go *sigh*

well???? anyone??? It has to be known...

Or maybe, Dunc? hmmmm maybemaybe....
Why on earth do all my favourite bands play in London, even the ones who used to play at least a gig in my hometown (Bradford)

I've made the decision to boycott London for gigs anyway - I know this means I won't get to see half the bands I want to first time round, but at least I'm saving money on travelling.

Danny, Duncan et all - you must agree that there are better (& more central & fair places)

Every time I saw Anathema in Bradford every time since 1994 was fantastic (when some of us were singing outside Rios with Therion in 1998 was most excellent)
oh you guys are the luckiest ever...but you still bitch and what's wrong if it's in london? couldnt you possibly go? i'd call myself lucky if they came anywhere near turkey. unfortunately i couldnt make it to greece, dammit.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
oh you guys are the luckiest ever...but you still bitch and what's wrong if it's in london? couldnt you possibly go? i'd call myself lucky if they came anywhere near turkey. unfortunately i couldnt make it to greece, dammit.

aye, that's what happens with westernized puffs, they don't realize how lucky they are not to live in third world.
tut tut tut, you should get that some people will never have their fav band playing in their country so don't you dare complaining about anathema not playing in your bedroom. there are people starving out there!! and there are wars too!! :mad:

sorry i got carried away :lol:
Well... Three years ago I came to England to study... And in these three years I have seen bands I had never dreamt seeing in my life... Brighton is so close to London... I see myself as one lucky bastard :D ... Or maybe not so lucky, because I have missed out on several gigs, because I coun't afford the ticket. If I had the money, I would go to London every week for a concert...

Anyway, take care everyone :)