Anathema to support HIM in London

EdenKriss said:
ah, gay meaning non-metal? great argument.
Of course gay meaning non-metal. If its not metal its shit. Everything non-metal is gay. Hail spikes, leather and chains. Ale and kill.

EdenKriss said:
i heard of some backstreet boys vid where one of them is wearing an EXODUS t-shirt, so i guess they must be OK?
Yes thats why i said that HIM rule because of what t-shirts the drummer wears, and clearly i didnt say that HE rules because of the t-shirts he wears
Claws of Perdition said:
haha imagine a bald metalhead!!
I bet they would hide in there room and drink even more then usual
or there would be this metal mass suicide because they lost there kickass hair.
IOfTheStorm said:
Of course gay meaning non-metal. If its not metal its shit. Everything non-metal is gay. Hail spikes, leather and chains. Ale and kill.

right then, liking metal is fine.

do you by any chance like MANOWAR?

IOfTheStorm said:
Yes thats why i said that HIM rule because of what t-shirts the drummer wears, and clearly i didnt say that HE rules because of the t-shirts he wears

ok there, thats one argument for liking HIM.
just to clarify

NOTHING can be 10 times gayer than HIM. 10 times gayer than HIM would negate the laws of space and time, causing the universe to spontaneously combust... NOTHING is gayer than HIM. say what the fuck you want about newer anathema, but at least it's not major label sugar coated pop FUCKING USELESS DRIVEL marketed solely to 14 year old teenage-depression-oh-im-so-sad-and-gothic ville-will-you-have-sex-with-me girls with too much eyeliner and a little BLACK TEAR DRAWN UNDER THE EYES and HEARTAGRAMS drawn with PERMANENT MARKER on their NOT TOO SCARRED BUT MAYBE A LITTLE ONE MADE WITH DAD'S KITCHEN KNIFE FOREARMS

at least anathema has some sense of INTEGRITY left (or so i thought until this) and are still some form of ART and not a completely commercial PRODUCT TAILOR MADE TO APPEAL TO A TARGET AUDIENCE. HIM is not a BAND WORTH DISCUSSING ON A METAL BOARD THEY ARE BASICALLY BRITNEY SPEARS IN BLACK EYELINER

and by the way anathema's actions through their recent history where 10 times more "please i want to be a commercial shit", than the possible similar actions HIM did. And im not only talking about music.
IOfTheStorm said:
anathema are ashamed to be called "metal"
him are dont
I dont care who is listening to HIM. All i know is that anathema NOW are smurfettes compared to HIM.

i dont think that anathema are ashamed to be called metal, but journalists often use their first, and maybe their second record as reference points...and they seem to be tired of least thats the impression i get when reading interviews. and they are not metal anymore, thats right, but they havent really tried to hide that fact, have they?
IOfTheStorm said:
and by the way anathema's actions through their recent history where 10 times more "please i want to be a commercial shit", than the possible similar actions HIM did. And im not only talking about music.

oh yeah, HIM never wanted to be a commercial act. or sell records. or appear on MTV. and ville never wanted to be a teenieidol, like a a scandinavian marilyn manson. please, be free to hate anathema because you dont like the music they make, thats all a matter of personal taste, but dont try to tell me that they are a commercial act and that HIM arent.
What i call "ashamed" you call it "tired". We dont have to play with words.. the fact is that they act like they are ready to puke when they hear the word "metal" in the same sentence with their band's name. If HIM are to be bashed for being uber gay/trendy/for little goth wannabe girls, you cant tell if this was originally their purpose, but you can say that for anathema now, because they desire to be part of this.
EdenKriss said:
oh yeah, HIM never wanted to be a commercial act. or sell records. or appear on MTV. and ville never wanted to be a teenieidol, like a a scandinavian marilyn manson. please, be free to hate anathema because you dont like the music they make, thats all a matter of personal taste, but dont try to tell me that they are a commercial act and that HIM arent.
As i say in my previous post, you cant tell what was HIM's original purpose. Sure they wanted to be a commercial act, but they didnt BEG to be on MTV, like anathema officially did.
Some of you true metal warriors have some real issues. Anathema hasn't been metal in 10 years. Who cares if they try to reach a non-metal audience... they aren't metal anymore! And there's nothing wrong with not being metal. Metal is but one tiny piece of the rich tapestry of musical styles.
Damn im glad im a True Metal Elitist or ide be discussing shit like HIM as if it had a place in the world of Metal. Musically diversity is gay. Metalmetalmetalbeerbeerbeer.
I don't think Anathema is ashamed of their past, even if they may have ignored the pre-Eternity albums in recent years, they just want to build an identity beyond those albums and not be judged by them, at which they have been successful...sure, they have taken some steps toward commerciality (like fighting with their label over releasing Pressure as a single), but that's no reason to call them gay. Not until we see the Cavanagh brothers in mallgoth regalia...
If anything, this pairing reminds me of the incongruous bills that were commonplace three decades ago...
Chromatose said:
haha.. now don't get me wrong, its still easily categorized in the cheesy pop/goth category, but not nearly as bad as what came after, the early stuff still has a heavy edge to it. Yes I used to rock out to Greatest Love Songs 666 on cassette in the old days, on side A of a tape I made with Paradise Lost "One Second" on side B

ProgMetalFan said:
Anathema hasn't been metal in 10 years. Who cares if they try to reach a non-metal audience... they aren't metal anymore! And there's nothing wrong with not being metal. Metal is but one tiny piece of the rich tapestry of musical styles.

They know they released some excellent albums in their earlier days, but don't see any point in repeating them. They progressed from album to album without ever forgetting or denying their roots (A Dying Wish or Sleepless are part of almost every setlist). No matter whether I prefer the older or newer material, progress and variety are certainly two of the main reasons why I love their music. And I would like to see them getting more attention from a wider, non-metal audience (because they'd deserve it) - not from "14 year old teenage-depression-oh-im-so-sad-and-gothic ville-will-you-have-sex-with-me girls with too much eyeliner and a little BLACK TEAR DRAWN UNDER THE EYES and HEARTAGRAMS drawn with PERMANENT MARKER on their NOT TOO SCARRED BUT MAYBE A LITTLE ONE MADE WITH DAD'S KITCHEN KNIFE FOREARMS". (Erik = God)
But hey, at least they'll get to hear some decent music for a change. :D
IOfTheStorm said:
and by the way anathema's actions through their recent history where 10 times more "please i want to be a commercial shit", than the possible similar actions HIM did. And im not only talking about music.

They could probably have sold loads of records, probably more than they have, if they had just released albms a la TSE the past 10 years.