Anathema wallpaper


New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2004
Here's a pic I made last weekend in Breda....did some basic work on it and turned it into a wallpaper.
Hope you like it! :cool:

@Malaclypse: Nothing much to the lighting really.....added a layer or two and did some brushing that's all. :Smokedev:

Dexter, I dunno how you do it, but those photos are just great (even though they're enchanced in PS, no?). Especially the colours on the last one, all I can say is :worship:
Lin said:
actually photos are very good but i've seen better wallpapers :p
i've made 20 minutes ago one, although it's not very good

Hey, I never said I was a graphic designer! :tickled:
I'm a (motorsports)photographer by trade and like to toy around in PS once in a while with pics like these.
Actually, I spoke briefly with Danny in Breda and told him that they could have all the pics I took there free of any charge.
So far I haven't heard from him yet, and since I am a huge fan of the band, I decided to go ahead and do something with some of them.
Would be a shame to let them rest on my harddisk now wouldn't it? :erk:


PS: All four of this jpegs took me about 50 minutes to make and that's okay with me.... :loco: