

24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
This may get me kicked off the forum, but I'm a sucker for this band! :) They have an edgy, modern sound along with an 80's new wave style vocalist. Again, I'm a sucker for this type of thing. Are there any other fans on here besides me?

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I bought their first two albums because I thought their music was in the same vein as Open Hand, Mae, etc. Well... They're not bad, but a little too popular for my taste. (I'm a metalhead after all.) They didn't appeal to me as much as other bands on Tooth & Nail's roster. Probably their last effort is better than the first two?
These guys are some of the BEST song writers I have ever heard! It is all about the song with these guys and conveying a mood! Stephen Christian is a phenomenal lyricist and they white some incredibly emotional songs. I can really relate to their music. Their last two CDs CITIES and NEVER TAKE FRIENDSHIP PERSONAL are two of my all time favs... I can't speak highly enough about these guys... I really would like to see them live to see how they pull these songs off.
These guys are some of the BEST song writers I have ever heard! It is all about the song with these guys and conveying a mood! Stephen Christian is a phenomenal lyricist and they white some incredibly emotional songs. I can really relate to their music. Their last two CDs CITIES and NEVER TAKE FRIENDSHIP PERSONAL are two of my all time favs... I can't speak highly enough about these guys... I really would like to see them live to see how they pull these songs off.

It's cool to find out that a few fellow metal heads appreciate these guys for what they are! I've never been able to see them live either, but I intend to one of these days. I believe they're headlining the Warp Tour this summer, but I'd like to see them on their own headlining tour instead. :kickass:

Yes, I'd like to see them headlining as well... it seems every time they are around Chicago they are with some sort of package deal... I have not liked any of the other bands billed with them and don't care to just see them play for 50-60 minutes.
I love this band. I have all 3 albums. My girlfriend was going to surprise me with tickets to a gig for my birthday, but they postponed the date.

The new Lost Songs CD is good too. They do several covers from bands such as Radiohead, Bob Dylan, and The Smiths. Basically this discs consist of B Sides and acoustic versions of previously released material. I just wish that they had recorded a cover of an Outfield song.

I have Lost Songs too. It's hit or miss for me honestly. (See, I'm not a total blind fanboy!) :lol:
The cover of Love Song by the Cure that made their album is great. The cover of Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" just doesn't do anything for me. They're too good a band for it. Nothing against Bob, I love his stuff. But he sings off key, and his version of the song is acoustic, chill out. Anberlin picks up the pace and makes it a driving rocker. They sing in key. It kills it for me. On the other hand, B sides like "The Haunting" are amazing.
I have Lost Songs too. It's hit or miss for me honestly. (See, I'm not a total blind fanboy!) :lol:
The cover of Love Song by the Cure that made their album is great. The cover of Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" just doesn't do anything for me. They're too good a band for it. Nothing against Bob, I love his stuff. But he sings off key, and his version of the song is acoustic, chill out. Anberlin picks up the pace and makes it a driving rocker. They sing in key. It kills it for me. On the other hand, B sides like "The Haunting" are amazing.

I agree. Pretty much any B side record like this is hit or miss. Bob Dylan would probably make my least favorite artists of all time list! :lol:

There are just some songs/bands that should never be covered. Bob Dylan and Joan Jett are among them. Not because they're bad or too good, (Though I personally like both) but because the original recording is so unique that any attempt to capture it or make it their own would just lose all of the spirit of the track.
My little cousin and my aunt tried to get me into them when I first moved out here... Unless there is another band by that name floating around. Never did give them a spin though.


Odds are, it's the same band. There's no way that you can judge the band on the youtube link I posted above, because they're very diverse. I simply posted that song out of convenience. They have some of the best ballads I've ever heard. :kickass:
