Ancient Bards

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This band has a new album out called The Alliance of Kings and if you are any kind of old Rhapsody/Nightwish fan then you need to listen to this pronto! This band has female vocals to give you the Nightwish angle although she's not operatic in style at all. She still has a decent if slightly thin voice but her melodies are ace. The music is pure Rhapsody from the first 3 albums more or less.

- promo vid
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I've taught my 4-year old son since he was old enough to understand that rule number one in life is "If they ask if you want cheese, the answer is always YES". This was intended for use in restaurants, but I'll be damned if it doesn't apply equally to music. :kickass:

This was great! I've forgotten how much I miss this niche of power metal..... Very encouraging to see a young new band that looks to be pretty talented.....
Sounds just lke the Canadian band "Forgotten Tales". especially the singer. But I do like it a lot
I really like the singer's voice since she isn't trying to sound operatic, but otherwise its a bit too by-the-numbers for me. Its well done, don't get me wrong, just didn't light a fire under my arse or anything.
This is pure cheese. Glorious cheese. If I could dance on a double rainbow, I'd do so while listening to this.