Ancient VVisdom "The Opposition" . . . hail to thee Lord Lucifer.

i am so glad that I bypassed this ENTIRE nu-metal era when it was hot ... i was into the elevator music stuff like Ken is now at the time and could not care two shits about anything remotely heavy.
from like '95-96 or so to '02 I didn't listen to much metal ... was into some grunge and also weird shit like Natalie Merchant and Chris Isaac, Kravitz, Fleetwood mac ... nothing really obscure ... just shitty music.

of all things Decapitated's _ Nihility brought me back to reality in 02
dude ... GtfooRC.

from '84 straight through '95

I was the "go to" guy in HS to ask for new shit and obscure bands (for those days). I was living and breathing that shit.

Lots of "listening sessions" at my house. :loco:
RC "Regular" for life.


i left "the scene" as I literally got bored with it. there was nothing new that interested me. it wasn't even a conscious decision, it just happened.

but I always listened to weird shit ... even in the heavy Death Metal phase in the late 80's I would listen to countless shitty dance "freestyle" tracks when nobody was looking.
He should seriously be bitched slapped for saying that. Fleetwood Mac shit's on any of these geriatric metal Aurel pushes down our gullets. Dont lose your way Aurel, don't lose your way.