and now! for your amusment:

internally grateful

and now, a cowcoptor...
Dec 1, 2003
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Once upon a time Chicken Licken was standing around when a piece of something fell on her head. She wasn't the brightest thing on two legs, so she started running around in circles clucking, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
We must tell the president!"
Chicken Licken ran to her friend Ducky Lucky and clucked, "Ducky Lucky! Ducky Lucky! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must tell the president!"
"Let's go," quacked Ducky Lucky.
Chicken Licken and Ducky Lucky ran to their friend Goosey Loosey and yelled, "Goosey Loosey! Goosey Loosey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must tell the president!"
"Let's go," honked Goosey Loosey.
Chicken Licken, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey ran to their friend Cocky Locky and yelled, "Cocky Locky! Cocky Locky! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must tell the president!"
"Let's go," crowed Cocky Locky.
"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" cried Jack the Narrator. "I forgot the Table of Contents!"
"Hey, you're not in this story," said Chicken Licken.
"I know," said Jack the Narrator. "But I came to warn you. The Table of Contents is--"
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" clucked Chicken Licken. "We must tell the president!"
So chicken Licken, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Cocky Locky ignored Jack the Narrator and ran off to catch a plane to Washington.
Just outside the airport they met Foxy Loxy.
"Foxy Loxy! Foxy Loxy! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must tell the president!" yelled Chicken Licken, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Cocky Locky.
"Well, come with me," said Foxy Loxy. "I know a shortcut to the airport."
Foxy Loxy led Chicken Licken, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Cocky Locky to his cave. He didn't get to eat them though, because Chicken Licken was almost right.
The sky wasn't falling. The Table of Contents was. It fell and squashed everybody.



Once upon a time there was a mother duck and a father duck who had seven baby ducklings. Six of them were regular-looking ducklings. The seventh was a really ugly duckling.
Everyone used to say, "What a nice-looking bunch of ducklings--all except that one. Boy, he's really ugly."
The really ugly duckling heard these people, but he didn't care. He knew that one day he would probably grow up to be a swan and be bigger and look better than everything in the pond.
Well, as it turned out, he was just a really ugly duckling. And he grew up to be just a really ugly duck.



Once upon a time there was a frog.
One day when he was sitting on his lily pad, he saw a beautiful princess sitting by the pond.
He hopped in the water, swam over to her, and poked his head out of the weeds.
"Pardon me, O beautiful princess," he said in his most sad and pathetic voice. "I wonder if you could help me."
The princess was about to jump up and run, but she felt sorry for the frog with the sad pathetic voice.
So she asked, "What can I do to help you, little frog?"
"Well," said the frog. "I'm not really a frog, but a hansom prince who has turned into a frog by a wicked witch's spell. And the spell can only be broken by the kiss of a beautiful princess."
The princess thought about this for a second, then lifted the frog from the pond and kissed him.
"I was just kidding," said the frog. He jumped back into the pond and the princess wiped the frog slime off her lips.



Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man who lived together in a little old house.
They were lonely.
So the little old lady decided to make a man out of stinky cheese.
She gave him a piece of bacon for a mouth and two olives for eyes and put him in the oven to cook.
When she opened the oven to see if he was done, the smell knocked her back. "Phew! What is that terrible smell?" she cried.
The Stinky Cheese Man hopped out of the oven and ran out the door calling, "Run run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the Stinky Cheese Man!"
The little old lady and the little old man sniffed the air.'
"I'm not really very hungry," said the little old man.
"I'm not really all that lonely," said the little old lady.
So they didn't chase the Stinky Cheese Man.
The Stinky Cheese Man ran and ran until he met a cow eating grass in a field.
"Wow! What's that awful smell?" said the cow.
The Stinky Cheese Man said, "I've run away from a little old lady and a little old man and I can run away from you too I can. Run run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the Stinky Cheese Man!"
The cow gave another sniff and said, "I'll bet you could give someone two or three stomachaches. I think I'll just eat weeds."
So the cow didn't chase the Stinky Cheese Man either.
The Stinky Cheese Man ran and ran until he met some kids playing outside school.
"Gross," said the little girl. "What's that smell?"
"I've run away from a little old lady, and a little old man, and a cow, and I can run away from you too I can. Run run run as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the Stinky Cheese Man!"
A little boy looked up, sniffed the air and said, "If we catch him, our teacher will probably make us eat him. Let's get out of here."
So the kids didn't chase the Stink Cheese Man either.
By and by the Stinky Cheese Man came to a river with no bridge.
"How will I ever cross this river? It's too big to jump, and if I try to swim across I'll probably fall apart," said You-Know-Who.
Just then the sly fox (who shows up in a lot of stories like these) poked his head out of the bushes.
"Why, just hop on my back and I'll carry you across, Stinky Cheese Man."
"How do I know you won't eat me?"
"Trust me," said the fox.
So the Stink Cheese Man hopped on the fox's back. The fox swam to the middle of the river and said, "Oh man! What is that funky smell?"
The fox coughed, gagged, and sneezed, and the Stinky Cheese Man flew off his back and into the river where he fell apart.


stinkay!! :kickass: