and now I see Alexi's Steve Vai Influence

Scythe-Shred said:
Alexi Owns period hes no yngwie malmsteen but who can be Hes still fucking great no matter what
actually imo Alexi is better than yngwee :loco: but guys like Jason Becker, Michael Romeo, and Paul Gilbert are just too incredible...although I enjoy CoB's music more than those listed (but Symphony X and Cacophony deffinently kick ass)
While Alexi is definitely far from being the most technically proficient guitarist around. I still think he is one of the best composers of all time, and I will always think that no matter how much their music changes or how much he changes.

As far as im concerned Hatebreeder and Something Wild speak for themselves, and will always remain in history. His playing and composition has taken a SEVERE turn for the worst. But writing 2/3 outstanding albums is something he can be proud of. Even if he has lost his way recently.
Gee, I thought pointing out the Vai influence was meant as a compliment... and now Wings of a Dreams gets his ass kicked for it...

And Needled, you seem to be very disappointed by the new musical directions CoB are taking - but that's no reason to take it out on people who still like them, and your pointing out how boring CoB are will soon get as lame as all the fanboying. And having been here for longer then someone else doesn't mean anything at all.
Lemming said:
NeedledWarheart- kill yourself youre better off dead!

Oh sweet jesus :D Hahahahahahahahahahahah, now THAT is a fanboy comment and a half.

and i hope you all realise i don't care enough about the new cob to merit actually being pissed off, i'm just dicking about, it's your choice whether you take it seriously/get offended by it..

Enjoy :)
Dem0n0fTheFall4 said:
Geez the week this was a pretty interesting post i think. I remember Alexi saying that Passion and Warfare influenced him a lot in his playing. I wondered where the Vai influences came in hence this thread. Another intresting fact, the first song he learned to play was Nothing Else Matters
Yeah the intro mainly, I remember reading that too from somewhere.

Day_Before_Dawn said:
While Alexi is definitely far from being the most technically proficient guitarist around. I still think he is one of the best composers of all time, and I will always think that no matter how much their music changes or how much he changes.

As far as im concerned Hatebreeder and Something Wild speak for themselves, and will always remain in history. His playing and composition has taken a SEVERE turn for the worst. But writing 2/3 outstanding albums is something he can be proud of. Even if he has lost his way recently.

Well this is obviously just your opinion. I think Follow the reaper kicks as much ass as Hatebreeder and Hatecrew Deathroll is not far behind. Yeah Something Wild and Hatebreeder have the classic songs, but the other albums are also up there!

Midnightblueshade said:
Gee, I thought pointing out the Vai influence was meant as a compliment... and now Wings of a Dreams gets his ass kicked for it...

And Needled, you seem to be very disappointed by the new musical directions CoB are taking - but that's no reason to take it out on people who still like them, and your pointing out how boring CoB are will soon get as lame as all the fanboying. And having been here for longer then someone else doesn't mean anything at all.

Yeah it was a complitment more that anything else, but I guess I didn't express myself well enough.
I dunno if you guys have ever heard Alexi just jam out on guitar when not playing CoB songs... but he's definitely more technically proficient than you guys are realizing. He chooses style over technicality now because he didn't like being compared to Yngwie after the release of Something Wild. I know it's "disrespectful" to talk about Jason Becker negatively because he's wheelchair bound and can only move his eyes... but I can play anything composed by Jason Becker and there are still a lot of Sinergy licks that I can't play.
jason becker is a guitasr virtuoso!...he is awesome...poor guy.. =(
its the saddest history in music i know
gkelter said:
I dunno if you guys have ever heard Alexi just jam out on guitar when not playing CoB songs... but he's definitely more technically proficient than you guys are realizing. He chooses style over technicality now because he didn't like being compared to Yngwie after the release of Something Wild. I know it's "disrespectful" to talk about Jason Becker negatively because he's wheelchair bound and can only move his eyes... but I can play anything composed by Jason Becker and there are still a lot of Sinergy licks that I can't play.
It's like watching a Jerry Springer or Maury show, I'm thinkin I don't believe you. You can play Serrana, Altitudes, Air and others flawlessly yet you can play Sinergy licks? :err: You sure you're not Alexi in disguise?
I wish I was Alexi in disguise.

Serrana is extremely easy. It almost just flows out.. It doesn't even require concentration to play.
Air is slow as shit and easy to play.
Altitudes is up there but still not too bad.
Holy shit... I just thought of something. How can you say that 'Air' is harder than any song by Sinergy? That's ridiculous. I feel terrible about what happened to Jason Becker but he was no better in skill than that fuckface Michael Angelo.
gkelter said:
Holy shit... I just thought of something. How can you say that 'Air' is harder than any song by Sinergy? That's ridiculous. I feel terrible about what happened to Jason Becker but he was no better in skill than that fuckface Michael Angelo.

Maybe not Air, but I find Serrana pretty chanllenging! and Jason Becker has influenced so many kick ass virtuosos like Rusty Cooley, Francesco Fareri and I bet Angelo too.

SO I might have to check Sinergy's stuff again, but as far as I'm concerned Jason Becker's stuff is far more challenging.
yeah i agree
becker's stuff is harder....pretty much more hard to play...with the perfect timing and shit
Becker's stuff is all pretty easy if you're good at sweeping.

Serrana seems challenging but it's really not too bad once you start learning it.

Angelo really isn't a kick ass virtuoso. He's a robot that plays guitar. Francesco Farreri is the Kerry King of virtuocity. He plays anything, totally fucking random. His playing is some of the worst ass-shit I've ever heard or witnessed.
Rusty Cooley is highly over-rated as well. Jason Becker is so much better than the both of them put together.
gkelter said:
Becker's stuff is all pretty easy if you're good at sweeping.

Serrana seems challenging but it's really not too bad once you start learning it.

Angelo really isn't a kick ass virtuoso. He's a robot that plays guitar. Francesco Farreri is the Kerry King of virtuocity. He plays anything, totally fucking random. His playing is some of the worst ass-shit I've ever heard or witnessed.
Rusty Cooley is highly over-rated as well. Jason Becker is so much better than the both of them put together.
well and then again we could go on this topic for ages, but since it's all very opinion based (based on what you've heard, seen, your ability to play, your influences and other stuff like that) then let's just leave it at that.
gkelter said:
I know it's "disrespectful" to talk about Jason Becker negatively because he's wheelchair bound and can only move his eyes... but I can play anything composed by Jason Becker and there are still a lot of Sinergy licks that I can't play.
all talk =)