and now I see Alexi's Steve Vai Influence

I'm not jealous of Rusty Cooley.. He plays a bunch of unoriginal shit... just slightly faster. Stop sucking his balls, guys.. He's not that great. You give him all this credit because he sits there and showcases all he's got to gain respect. You have no idea what a lot of the more unknown guitarists are capable of. He's such a douche, he should join Dragonforce and fucking whack off with them in their nightly guitar wankery fests.
Let everybody just enjoy the music they like.
about some of the guitar players mentioned: rusty cooley: he can play very good, but his compositions s u c k . I really don't like to listen to them. Michael angelo: he can play awesome but again, his compositions s u c k . Jason Becker: well, let's just say the guy was a very good player of whom it's a bad thing we never will be able to see how far he could've grown as a guitarplayer. He was a very good player (though i got to agree with gkelter that serana is not hard to play, just takes some time to practice, and i fcking lack 24 frets on my guitar :Smug:). Anyway this is just my opinion about these guitarists, talented, great skill suck ass compositions(though i like some of jason becker). I really prefer to listen to stuff like symphony x, cob etc, but like said, anybody his own opinion.
Abrasive-X said:
I think it's funny when people say Serena is not hard to play and they're unable to play even half of it correctly

Thanks for telling me because I really thought all these people cpuld play Serrana all the way through! Seriously though. I was strating to think I suck because I kinda find it pretty challenging
Ok, i will post a video of me playing a part of serana next week (if my pc is back from repairs by then that is). I will play until the part where 24 frets are needed, since my les paul has only 22. Then everybody may shout whatever they like in comment, but damn, is it that hard to believe some people on the forum can play it? Anyway playing is one thing, song writing another.
haha. that bitch paul gilbert.

I like how he can fucking shred like crazy but he can't even play that little section in Go Off! by Cacophony.