Blitzkrieg Pajo
in my class there is a girl who's father was 63 or so when she was born. Hauke as a woman's name? that's really ridiulous. Hauke Anders would be cool 

King Chaos said:Congratulations. Good luck on corrupting him with beer and black metal.
Taliesin said:A little update on the rascal
When you ask him "Milk or beer?" he looks at you with a big smile and says "Beer!!"
He cant really talk yet though, apart from a few words and words he tries to imitate when people talk around him
sure i can! Especially the one in the buggy...There are some photos you havent seen though, maybe DS can upload them tonight
Oh you have no idea!marduk1507 said:Hes really cute. But theres a lot of mischief in those big blue eyes, Im afraid. Or am I wrong?