Wannabe aka how nu-metal is born?


Dec 21, 2001
Disclaimer : my Swedish is not the best in the world (ok, it sucks ass) so I may have misunderstood something about this show, doubt it tho. Also I definetly have not wasted my time to follow this show, seen about 3 of it.

OK, so I was watching this show called Wannabe on the swedish Viasat 3 (or something like that) and in this show they listen to hundreds of 'musicians' play or sing and every week they drop some of them, til they have a 5 member 'band' together.

Well this week they finally had the final 20 or so, they had the last week to train the song they we're supposed to perform, 1 week, that is kinda how hard the nu-metal songs are I guess :p
The song was pretty much your standard Limb Bizkit, Linkin Park etc. rap with a lot of base, piece of musical perfection.
From what I heard of it anyway.

Anyway, I think the saddest thing about this was the fact that, the once great, Mickey Dee (Mötörhead drummer) was one of the people choosing the 'band'.

I actually have no idea if this post has any point but that show kinda pissed me off, now this 'band' is going to make some CD and everyone, here in Sweden at least, will buy it and make a lot of money for these talentless wastes of humankind. Just look at what happened to Excellence (at least they look good :D )

(just another post about the lameness of nu-metal, ignore it and move on to smarter things) :D
One of the guys who made it into the band "Lonne" the guitarist with red/yellow hair lived next door when I was little. That is a crazy guy and he seems to have an attitude problem.
That is an awful idea for a T.V. show and a stupid idea for forming a band. It is just like that "Popstars" or "Making of the Band" show we have here.

It's just like the BSB with the guys being chosen for their looks with no regard for talent... These "bands" made on that show or should I say "boy bands" will probably have a bunch of screaming trendy teenyboppers for fans anyways... the same kids who watched "Popstars" and the like, but have gotten into "heavier" music (Limp Bizkit)... hehehe...

Those rap metal bands are dorky looking too.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
maybe well be lucky and get the next top notch melodic death band with unparraleled musicianship!?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I just saw their first live performance at some rock bar (was that in Stockholm?) and um, yep Linkin Park 2 it is, the song is pretty much the same as that shit they are playing on MTV right now.

And of course seeing a guy in a Cradle Of Filth band mosh at the edge of the stage was hilarious as hell :lol: :lol:
Slytherin?!!! Like from Harry Potter!!! :lol: :lol:

The manufacturer boy bands and girl bands are terrible. We already have Sugar Jones and O-Town... really awful. More manufactured music, especially rap-metal, is truly uneeded... but since there are teenyboppers, there will be ratings for that trash... I hate boy bands. Their music is annoying, and to top that off they are ugly. :s
I watched yesterday's episode of Wannabe out of sheer boredom, and what alarmed me the most was a guy wearing a Vader shirt headbanging to the band's crap performance.

I really expected Vader fans to have better taste than that, I know I have anyway...
I have only seen the commercial about it and I think that this sow really sucks.

People that tries hard to achieve goals in their lives doesn't always make it and then it comes some shitty posers and become famous over a night with some crappy music... Where the f**k are the music today heading?
actually id watch the show out of sheer interest lol, they can be entertaining sometimes.

Also for the non-stop musical entertainment!!!!!!!!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Basically all channels suck big time...TV sucks :D
it's chupi only when you get cool films.....
or the "decadence" (aka parakmiaka) films i watch on ET3 from time to time... what a unique taste i have :rolleyes:
Originally posted by phyre
Oooh... Your 666th post. Devil satan hell evil 666 yeah.

damn, i didn't even notice! i'm going to have a black mass celebration pretty soon. pity it's not night time here. :)

rahvin. (as satanical as your next man... beware...)