Is Nu-Metal Dead? Read on Nu-tallica fans...


Sep 21, 2002
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Is Nu-Metal Dying?

For those who don't know what nu-metal exactly is, here are 2 possible definitions:

nu met·al
Talentless, corporate music that is created by major record companies and marketed to scared, suburban teens in an effort to ween them off of boy bands and into another demographic.

nu met·al
The music is more raw and aggressive than the Metal of the 80s and 90s. There is generally an absence of a guitar solo, and more emphasis placed upon the rhythm guitar.

Nu-metal certainly has its fans, but it also has critics who have been deriding nu-metal as a cheap fad for years. Although almost no one would say that it is as bad as hair-metal, boy bands, or overly processed pop, it is generally put into the same category. The reason is that although nu-metal is aggressive, angry, and often rebellious, it remains completely mainstream. Many feel like nu-metal is the equivalent of boy-bands for guys (we're not saying whether this view is justified or not)

I must confess that I actually liked nu-metal for quite some time. It was new, exciting, and sharply drew the line between 'modern' and 'classic' metal. However, as the years have passed, I have kept hearing the same stuff over and over again. Realizing this problem, record companies have resorted to gimmicks such as covers, face masks and costumes. Despite the fact that nu-metal still is a large genre, the audiences are growing younger and younger, and are more often turning to rap than nu-metal. As a result, I believe nu-metal, as it exists today, is dying. This doesn't mean that all the current nu-metal bands will dissapear, but will be forced to change or die. Or perhaps in the 2030's, a group of bands beginning with "The" will begin to start playing nu-metal again, and start the craze anew. Who knows.
But in any case, we predict that nu-metal as it is known today is on its way out.


Metallica was never nu-metal, but evidence from late interviews seem to suggest that they want to be. We are hoping they don't become nu-metal. Metallica is advised to stick to the formula or retire, they've already made their mark on music.

Verdict: ???

I must say it feels that way. It's still out there, sadly, and I guess it will always be there, though thankfully not as badly in our faces. I can't stand people who make excuses for nu-metal, I think it's fucking shit and I hate it. I don't care if the new evolution of Metal or whatever, it's fucking bollocks. I'd rather listen to Poison than any nu-metal band (slipknit excepted MAYBE)...fuck, I'd rather listen to The Sweet, or a J-Pop anime soundtrack....and least they're not whining posers.
nu met·al
The music is more raw and aggressive than the Metal of the 80s and 90s. There is generally an absence of a guitar solo, and more emphasis placed upon the rhythm guitar.

LMFAO!!!! :lol: Who the fuck wrote this definition? hahaha, what a fuckin' moron.
hiddenlegions said:
The reason is that although nu-metal is aggressive, angry, and often rebellious...

This is what annoys the crap out of me these days... aggressive and angry compared to what??? Music journalists today are just completely oblivious to the fact that there are genres out there called death metal, thrash metal, black metal and so on. Or are they seriously trying to state that bands like limp bizkit and linkin park are more aggressive and angry than testament, slayer, deicide, morbid angel, emperor, gorgoroth and so on and on and on and on??? All these genres outlived grunge, the metal drought of the mid 90's, and will without a doubt outlive nu-metal. But as long as these genres portray imagery that fall fall so consistently outside MTV's (and the like) guidlines for political good taste and bureaucratic market analysis, extreme metal will not be taken seriously by the "established music press"... probably just as well... we haven't needed them yet.
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hiddenlegions said:
The reason is that although nu-metal is aggressive, angry, and often rebellious, it remains completely mainstream.

Hey M you didn't quote the rest of the sentence... and he's right. I used to like nu-metal when I was oh so young and foolish. But I've seen how dull and bland the genre is compared to just about every other type of metal... I'm curious, were you ever into nu-metal?
Stun said:
Hey M you didn't quote the rest of the sentence... and he's right. I used to like nu-metal when I was oh so young and foolish. But I've seen how dull and bland the genre is compared to just about every other type of metal... I'm curious, were you ever into nu-metal?

I didn't quote the rest of the sentence because it had no relevance to my point. My point is that mainstream music press is characterizing nu-metal as extreme aggresion and anger, something I think they know as well as the rest of us just isn't true. This genre seems very restrictive when it comes to the style of music they can play before they lose the nu-metal label, and as soon as they do that media attention dissapears. Repetetive and regurgitated music is neither extreme or interesting imo

Apart from liking Toxicity (don't know if this is considered nu-metal) I have never been "into nu-metal". How long has the term nu-metal been around anyway? 4-5 years at the most? I fear that mtv and music media in general has blown this genre into a giant bubble, and the complete stagnation in creativity is gonna burst it as quickly as it came. Unfortunate for the musicians caught up in this whole thing who had a lot invested in a band killed by the industry.
Nu-metal has been around for seven or eight years... and considering Pantera and Sepultura are considered two of the largest contributors to the rise of nu-metal, I'd say aggression is a component of the music... unforunately, all the nu-'metal' bands today are just a bunch of whining pop bands in disguise.