Nu-Metal Dying? article....thought???


Jul 15, 2002
In between
Taken from on 6/22/2003

Whatcha all make of this? I agree, but what do I know? I'm just one "old school" fan amongst a sea of metalheads.

Is Nu-Metal Dying?
For those who don't know what nu-metal exactly is, here are 2 possible definitions:

nu met·al
Talentless, corporate music that is created by major record companies and marketed to scared, suburban teens in an effort to ween them off of boy bands and into another demographic.

nu met·al
The music is more raw and aggressive than the Metal of the 80s and 90s. There is generally an absence of a guitar solo, and more emphasis placed upon the rhythm guitar.

Nu-metal certainly has its fans, but it also has critics who have been deriding nu-metal as a cheap fad for years. Although almost no one would say that it is as bad as hair-metal, boy bands, or overly processed pop, it is generally put into the same category. The reason is that although nu-metal is aggressive, angry, and often rebellious, it remains completely mainstream. Many feel like nu-metal is the equivalent of boy-bands for guys (we're not saying whether this view is justified or not)

I must confess that I actually liked nu-metal for quite some time. It was new, exciting, and sharply drew the line between 'modern' and 'classic' metal. However, as the years have passed, I have kept hearing the same stuff over and over again. Realizing this problem, record companies have resorted to gimmicks such as covers, face masks and costumes. Despite the fact that nu-metal still is a large genre, the audiences are growing younger and younger, and are more often turning to rap than nu-metal. As a result, I believe nu-metal, as it exists today, is dying. This doesn't mean that all the current nu-metal bands will dissapear, but will be forced to change or die. Or perhaps in the 2030's, a group of bands beginning with "The" will begin to start playing nu-metal again, and start the craze anew. Who knows. But in any case, we predict that nu-metal as it is known today is on its way out.

The Evolution of Nu-Metal


The Deftones' latest release blazes a 'nu' trail (yes, its a pathetic pun) in the nu-metal scene by getting both darker and more melodic. Many songs seem impossibly heavy when compared to former deftones tunes, while others rise and soar on both walls of sound and simple melodies. In many ways the deftones are blazing a new trail that is seperate from nu-metal.
Verdict Alive, but decide whether you are hardcore or not

Staind has been steadily getting lighter and lighter, and lost many fans when Break the Cycle became a pop phenomenon. I used to cringe whenever I'd hear pop DJ's introducing the new band 'Staind', and cringed even more after I heard "It's Been Awhile" for the 300th time. Despite the fact that they've changed, Staind doesn't seem to mind, and have created a whole slew of softer rock ballads this time around.
Verdict: Moving, we don't like the direction
Linkin Park

Some people like them, others hate them. Their new album is both a step forward and a step back. On one hand they've perfected the driving, rap/melodic song, complete with rather inspiring riffs, and on the other they degenerate into straight rap or lackluster churning songs. Linkin park has to decide whether they want to start trends, or to make music.
Verdict: Waffling
Limp Bizkit

Limp Bizkit has died a screaming death. Their last album was pathetic, they've lost their guitarist, and Fred Durst has grown lame.
Verdict: Dead

Korn has come up with the same old formula again, and while it might have started a trend in the early 90's, it feels uninspired and lackluster now. Korn would be wise to call it quits while they are ahead (unlike Limp Bizkit)
Verdict: Dead

Relatively unknown band Chevelle hit it off big with this album, which features amazing vocals (the singer is similar to Maynard) and pounding, syncopated rhythms. Comes across as heavy without being boring or monotonous.
Verdict: Alive and Kicking

Metallica was never nu-metal, but evidence from late interviews seem to suggest that they want to be. We are hoping they don't become nu-metal. Metallica is advised to stick to the formula or retire, they've already made their mark on music.
Verdict: ???
That's all for now folks

We'd also like to predict that you won't see Puddle of Mudd, Trapt, Cold, Mudvayne, P.O.D, or Godsmack in 5 years.

Nu-metal certainly has its fans, but it also has critics who have been deriding nu-metal as a cheap fad for years.

The above is a quote.

It's worth bearing in mind that for it to be around for years for the critics to deride, it's possibly slightly more than a fad :)

Also a couple of nu-metal bands that you have overlooked - System of a down are doing quite well with their Nu-metal stylings, and the music is actually kinda cool.

Second Evernessence, or whoever they are, are managing no small sucess, and incorperate a very nu-metal sound in places.
I like the whole "Stick to the formula or retire" bit that was directed to MetallicA.
Your fucking MetallicA, blaze the trail or burn the bridge.
Godsmacks first cd had me by the nuts, then they lost me.
We WON'T see P.O.D., MUDVAYNE or many others in 5 years.
Do you really want to see the MUDVAYNE reunion tour w/ full make up a la KISS?

Me niether.

Yes, I did just knock KISS.
NO, they don't deserve my respect.

I like nu metal bands that blaze a trail and have purpose in their music, i.e. SOAD, SEVENDUST, even Limp Dickspit's first album, and Slipknots firt also.....but a lot of it just needs to die. So we can bury it. bury it all in a compilation cd that you find at BIG LOTS for $3.99 and even that's too much.

On a lighter note, thats where I found my first cd copy od SOWN for 2 whole dollars a few years back...sad, but true.
a few good bands have popped up over the years but there arent to many that go the distance,so people always fall back on good old metal.

when i heard slipknots first one i was so shocked,to me that record is as metal as anything ive ever heard with a difference,i compare that album with panteras far beyond driven record and i thought it was so cool that someone has stepped up to take the metal throne,there just aint enough ass kickers out there right now,anyone can play metal but few do it well!
Mudvayne's first album was hella different than what was out there, no recognizable chorus', no solo's. The next one had chorus' and is more radio friendly, I still like them. Slipknot is very good. Love them. Godsmack's first album ruled, then they couldn't keep that style for some reason. Whatever was so cool, I still like that song.
I don't even no why nu metal is called metal it's not metal!!

Nu metal fan's will only be fan's of the band while there big! then go onto the next trend! just look at papa roach they will do anything to get on MTV now

I am looking forward to it all dieing!!
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I don't even no why nu metal is called metal it's not metal!!

Nu metal fan's will only be fan's of the band while there big! then go onto the next trend! just look at papa roach they will do anything to get on MTV now

I am looking forward to it all dieing!!
No way.
I saw Mudvayne in concert before their LD.50 album even came out. I went and bugged the local cd store owner for over 2 months about it. I was there waiting for it to come out and was the only one that bought one for the first 2 weeks of it released here. That LD.50 was the first album released on a major label and readily available.
I like mudvayne and they will surive this fucking trend!! it's just these bands liek korn limpwankshake who i want to just fade away as soon as MTV gives up on them they will fade away!!!!
motley crap are gonna be gone soon thank satan for that!
Ya know, I liked Korn the same way. Liked them on their first album that a dj near here couldn't play so he gave it to a friend of mine. When it came out, we bought it. Only 2 cds the store had, they've gone down hill alot since that first cd of theirs.