How many here enjoy nu-metal?

Do you like nu-metal?

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Embody The Invisible said:
my first question is how could anyone like nu-metal. it isnt even metal at all.
Hahaha!!! Man, how could anyone like this, it ISN'T METAL!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve said:
It really does depend on your definition of nu-metal... some people considered Colony and Clayman nu-metal..

And there's at least one guy in existence who thinks In Flames were great on LS/Sub but sold out with The Jester Race. No joke, I have seen his TJR review myself as some metal e-zine featured it. And he seemed to be dead serious with his views.

Yeah I like a few bands. Korn was the first metal band I got into, and I still listen to them a lot. They are just such an emotionaly powerful band. Other than them I listen to System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Orgy and White Pony by the Deftones. Other than that I don't realy listen to it anymore
nu-metal bands for me:

p.o.d., limp bizkit, linkin park, 4lyn

no nu-metal bands for me:

soad, disturbed, godsmack, deftones

I really like SOAD, Disturbed and Godsmack.
My ultimate goal in life is to play a small part in the demise of alternative music. Or as you people call it "nu-metal" I refuse to acknowledge that shit as metal.

I really hate puddle of mud and lincoln park the most. I hope their tour bus or plane or some shit fucking crashes, so I don't have to listen to that shit anymore. And puddle of mud singer is absolutly the most annoying fuck I have ever heard.
My favorite nu-metal band is system of a down..they weren't that popular..then they got all askfhasdjk 2 years ago or whenever..but i still love em.