'NU Metal' - any takers?

I used to be big on nu-metal.. then I heard the real thing, and theres been no looking back. I occasionally grant SoaD the title "know how to play their instruments", but thats about it.

It was like spending a year in McD's, then coming out to eat a burger made out of meat, chips that were made out of potatoes and milkshakes that weren't....
Someone mentioned Deftones... They aren't "nu-metal" They were around YEARS before the "nu-metal" thing started.

Most of the stuff you'd lump into that category, I abhor.

I'm a death metal guy. Back in the 80's I was into heavy metal. In the 90's it was thrash. So, whatever.

I've been a musician the whole time, and I enjoy music that has talent behind it.

As gay as it might sound, I'd rather listen to fucking RATT or Yngwie than any of the new metal crap out there.

So whatever... I'll stop rambling...
Depends what counts as nu-metal, the "genre" is so roughly determined that it's kind of hard to say what is nu-metal and what is not. It varies per person. I mean there are people like xenophobe there that say Deftones aren't nu-metal, when I definetely think they are. I think Biohazard is nu-metal and they were long before the nu-metal thing started too.

I loathe everything that has rap in it, I just can't stand it. Hence I don't like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and the lot of them. I find Slipknot to be very different than other bands classified as nu-metal, and I don't see how do they fit to the genre. I don't like them though, I find them to be very mediocre death/thrash with rap influences and extremely poor lyrics + very well thought and well selling image. BUT if System of a down is considered nu-metal, then yes I like some of it. SoaD's new album is absolutely great. And I like Linkin Park's riffs (I don't care if they stole them, or didn't play them themselves, at least they sound good to me) and the other singer has great voice but the rapping ruins everything.
not ashamed to say i like a few nu metal acts, such as mushroomhead, American head chage, and some others.... I dont think it is the musical style of nu metal which is poor-i believe it is naieve to say any musical formations have an inherent lack of quality..but since it is the trend, many bland, ininsired acts are bandwagoning .JUST AS HAS ALWAYS HAPPENED WITH MUSIC. when numetal is less trendy , the majority of the bandwagon jumpers will flock to the next trend, leaving a much more respectable scene.

I like hiphop, i like some grunge, and nu metal has tinges of True Metal in places... so it's ok by me, if it is good quality.

Drowning pool however... ouch.

give me falconer any day.
god I spend all day arguing this in chat come on here to get away from it and I find myself still talkin about it lol any way "nu metal" its hard subject I never regard anything called "nu metal" as metal in the first place including slipknot, mudvayne, korn etc etc the list is to big I don't hate the people who listen to it a lot of my mates listen to it and even my former band partners listened to it what I don't like is when I ask a slipknot fan why he/she likes that band and they can't answer because they have just listened to that band to be cool thoese are the "nu metal" fans I don't like they aren't even fans they are sheep with no clue about the music as far as "nu metal" goes I even started off listening to it back in about '94 before it really kicked off I soon after discovered death metal and all that style of music and never listened to "nu metal" since I mean I could go on at "nu metal" fans all day about how the music is pretty talentless but what difference is it really gonna make I can't do fuck all about what is happening to metal apart from not supporting the ones who are destroying personaly I blame ozzy for it all he promotes it all as metal the fact that I've hated ozzy for a long time any way but he is the one promoting it all at ozzfest all to make more cash cause he knows that the fan base for "nu metal" is huge and its that shit I really hate that people like ozzy the man who supposidly started metal (even though he didn't) would promote it as metal just to make cash its wrong its an insult to metal.
Nu-Metal is full of a bunch of untalented pussies. Its a damn shame how lame they are. God "Nu-Metal" pisses me off.:(

the closest thing to metal i listen to would be some In Flames shit.