How big is Nu-Metal in Europe?

"Poopa Roach"
Hahahahahaha! Yeah they're terribly annoying band. They're like 30 years old and they're screaming "LIFE'S NOT FAIR! LIFE'S NOT FAIR" cause they cant get over getting dumped.

Oh yeah, I can't believe alot of nu-metal fans don't know who bands like Pantera, Sepultura and Slayer are.
Originally posted by MURAI
"Poopa Roach"
Hahahahahaha! Yeah they're terribly annoying band. They're like 30 years old and they're screaming "LIFE'S NOT FAIR! LIFE'S NOT FAIR" cause they cant get over getting dumped.

Oh yeah, I can't believe alot of nu-metal fans don't know who bands like Pantera, Sepultura and Slayer are.

Yeah it's pretty sad, you think by that age they can deal with it. I don't think they are 30, more like early to mid 20's, so it's not far off, from "Life not Fair". Even tho they are right and everyone knows, just most don't whine about it.

I can believe it, 'cause if they were told that metal was alive during the 90's then it would be hard to state that Korn revived metal. :mad: And let's face it, when it was just the old arm, Pantera, Sep etc. in the 90's the Nu-metallers are generally 12 or younger, and you know their parents weren't showing them what metal was still around. And media don't refer back to the roots, unless it's about the upcoming Ozzfest. Generally this goes for when they first enter the music realm.

When they are in it firmly, then I think that they realise that there was metal before Korn. And hopefully they start discovering what influence their fav musical group. Who they tour with, regular club tour or fests. When they watch (Toronto, Buffalo NY Resisdents will know this) Muchmusic Loud or Uranium or 977FM music notes at 6, in which the roots are discovered or played.

[/end of rant]
Much Music's "LOUD" show is great. They play Cannibal Corpse, Sepultura, Slayer, Pantera, Lamb Of God and bands like that. I'm glad not to see lame bands like Linkin Park or Trust Company on it. :) Much Music has a LOUD channel and it blows goats. I thought they'll play some good metal but it was mostly Sum 41 and bullshit like that. :puke:
Originally posted by Webmaniaq

What a pity that SOAD has been put in Nu-Metal... They're much better than that :)

That's how I feel subjectively about MuDvAyNe, but let's face it, these bands are nu-metal, there's just a few bands of a rare quality that transcend the limitations that the nu-metal label seems to imply. I personally think SOAD are shit, but agree that they are for the most part, one of the more refreshing and original bands in the scene.

I disagree though, that nu-metal is a better thing to have on radio than dance or techno or anything like that. The thing with nu-metal is, that yes, it's good in the sense that it can help a lot of people get into metal in the first place and from there dig into the really good stuff, but then again, it's such a huge phenomenon that the trendy, angst-ridden and frankly juvenile image it represents is the image that the public are aware of, and that's evidently not a good thing. I personally hate it if someone asks me what kind of music i'm into, I reply 'metal' and they say something like 'oh yeah, Limp Bizkit, they're cool' or even worse, mention bands of that ilk and automatically pigeonhole my taste in a negative way; associating me with the image of nu-metal and subsequently an image they don't like. I generally don't care much what people think about me, especially if they're strangers, but having Limp Bizkit as my flagship to the public is just.......fucking annoying.
Originally posted by SculptedCold
That's how I feel subjectively about MuDvAyNe I personally hate it if someone asks me what kind of music i'm into, I reply 'metal' and they say something like 'oh yeah, Limp Bizkit, they're cool' or even worse, mention bands of that ilk and automatically pigeonhole my taste in a negative way; associating me with the image of nu-metal and subsequently an image they don't like. I generally don't care much what people think about me, especially if they're strangers, but having Limp Bizkit as my flagship to the public is just.......fucking annoying.

Yeah right.And MuDcRaCk arn't Nu Metal?Their one of the worst bands asociated with the Genre.SOAD are shit?compared to MuDcRaCk?
I forgot.This coming from a Pearl Jam fan :lol:

What kind of music are you into?I listen to Metal.I listen to MuDcRaCk :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by union9
Yeah right.And MuDcRaCk arn't Nu Metal?Their one of the worst bands asociated with the Genre.SOAD are shit?compared to MuDcRaCk?
I forgot.This coming from a Pearl Jam fan :lol:

What kind of music are you into?I listen to Metal.I listen to MuDcRaCk :lol: :lol:

MuDcRaCK??? OMG. FUNNEY!!!!111 ^_____^
Nocturnal Emperor said:
england is awful especialy manchester where i live they are given the term moshers and all hang about in a HUGE group at parks and a place in the centre of the city called Urbis. What even worse is that scallies (trendies) beat up moshers for no good reason.
It isn't as bad with moshers and goths here because they don't really hang around in huge groups. It is really bad with what you call scallies (they are known as townies here and there are also people known as mods here, and they are about the same as townies, they go around beating goths and moshers up for no good reason at all. They think that I am one (because of this i get close to get beaten up, once I was beaten up really badly, I had to take 2-3 weeks off school because of it), but I'd rather not be known as a mosher or a goth, I'd rather not be branded even though i wear them kind of clothes but that is because I like the clothes
Vienyard said:
I see Nu-Metal covered in mags like Terrorizer, so I know England has picked up on that crap, but to what extent, I dunno.
Not once have I ever seen any coverage of any Nu Metal band in Terrorizer, and I have a subscription to it, so its not like I've only bought one of two issues.
Nu-metal's not really that popular among people of my age in my area they all tend like crappy pop music or anything of Kiss FM (which i can't stand and i have sit lessons listening to that :bah: )
well here in Belgium, the nu-metal scene es not that big, but it's still there.
Most of these nu-metalers wear baggy-pants, and wear shitty band shirts. Most of them are sk8ers, but posers. In bruxelles ( it's the french part of Belgium ), The metal scene isn't to big. but in Flandern ( the flemmish speaking part of belgium ), The metal scene is quite huge. The hardcore scene is also quite big in Belgium. I myself listen to hardcore too, because most of my friends are in hardcore bands ( to name a few from belgium: Negate, Unusual, Incriminate ).

Buti also see more and more ppl getting into metal here.

( i hope i don't get flamed for this ) => Before i start, i think that slipknot is TOTAL shit. But i have to give them props for something. Because most of these little kiddys Listen to that shit, and a fact is, that there is no nu-metal act, that sounds quite like them. And they realy want to listen to more stuff just like Slipknot, so they kinda get into the death metal scene, because in some way, slipknot has a bigger tendency to fall in the direction of Death-core and not to Nu-metal like korn and shit.


Sorry for my poor englisch, i hope u all understood what i ment to say
I only just noticed this, but...

union9 said:
Yeah right.And MuDcRaCk arn't Nu Metal?Their one of the worst bands asociated with the Genre.SOAD are shit?compared to MuDcRaCk?
I forgot.This coming from a Pearl Jam fan :lol:

What kind of music are you into?I listen to Metal.I listen to MuDcRaCk :lol: :lol:
SculptedCold said:
That's how I feel subjectively about MuDvAyNe, but let's face it, these bands are nu-metal, there's just a few bands of a rare quality that transcend the limitations that the nu-metal label seems to imply. I personally think SOAD are shit, but agree that they are for the most part, one of the more refreshing and original bands in the scene.

Try reading that again you idiot.
I'm from the U.S., and i live in Italy, so I have the view from both sides. Nu-metal is just as bad here as it is in the states, only there are more bands to choose from here. The metal scene here is more diverse than in the states. Most people know who black, death, thrash, doom, and power bands are here, while a lot of people in the states do not. But that's due to it still being underground in the states.
Well I got bored with reading through the whole thread, so I'll just add my little bit.

In Egland it does indeed seem that nu metal is the latest craze. Actually, I lie - it's now "emo". But yes, nu metal has been massive over here, and there are still thousands and thousands of nu metal sheep!

Hopefully they'll all flock elsewhere though, because I acn't think of many things that are worse than nu metal.
Nu-metal doesn't seem to be dying down in England either. Especially not where I live (south east). Everyone loves it. One of my hobbies is going into the city centre and couting how many people (and children under 10) have a Slipknot t-shirt/hoodie on. :lol:
People here either love pop-punk or nu-metal. I was suprised to meet some people who are into black, death and doom metal. All male though.
In Portsmouth i've seen a few people with Stratovarius t-shirts but they were students rather than kids. A lot of people seem to have switched to emo now which can be worse than nu metal IMO.

One of my neighbours in the halls listens to it non stop and the shouty/whinny vocals grate me after a while. I don't think there are that many metal fans where I am.