What is "Nu-Metal"??????

I love nerds candy, although I don't really eat them much because I don't eat candy much. But I very much do not love that picture.
trying to define "genres" of music and pigeonhole bands into them is useless. It's safe to say that Manowar is power metal, but why isn't Blind Guardian power metal? Or is it? And White Zombie is nu-metal, so what about NIN? I think of movements in rock not in terms of bands but in terms of techniques; that is, Nirbana helped popularized grunge, they are not themselves the embodiment of grunge. Numetal is an intangible movement in the rock world
Who knows?

Anyway, a debate on Nu-Metal is like debating how to get the leg off a cow. You'll end up going round in circles, eventually.

One definition of "Nu-Metal" is a band that lacks:

But makes up for it with things like:
Rap Vocals
A Turntablist

A good example of a Nu-Metal Band is Linkin Park.

HOWEVER, there are many versions of Nu-Metal.
The 1st Generation of Nu-Metal would have to be Korn, circa 1994. Their downtuned guitars, and "scat" like vocals were something new in the music world.
Then along came the unholy one, commonly referred to as The Durst. His band Limp Dic... I mean Limp Bizkit filled every criteria for "Nu Metal," creating the Second Generation.
Then along came Slipknot. Their first album was nu-metal, but their newest album was something different..

Simply, You can't really debate on the Meaning of Nu-Metal, because Everyone has a different understanding on it.
damn thy keyboards with your lack of spelling error correction knowledge, Charity*

Polarity are they your legs on the bed behind you, if so :)