Ahhh I love these threads, and I fully agree with Winmar
I also try to avoid calling it "nu-metal" because it isn't metal! I prefer terms such as "heavy rock", "rap rock", "mallcore" or simply "shit music". Since when do METAL bands rap, have DJ's, base their songs around groovy funky hip hop beats/basslines, and say "GET THE FUCK UP!" every sentence. Pfft its SHIT!
The mistake everyone makes is thinking anything heavy is metal. It isn't! The style of Slipknot's music is much more hardcore than it is metal, there is even more hip hop influence than metal influence. But oh, they tune in B and have double kicking... it must be metal huh? PFFT!
And the thing that pisses me off most about it being called metal is that now all the arrogant fuckwits who only pay attention to what MTV feeds them going around saying "Metal kix ass dOOd! Slipknot r da bomb! Iron Maiden r so gay! They aren't even metal, they don't even detune, and *gasp* the vocals are melodic! Metal doesn't have melodic vocals!" I'd like to take a big hunk of iron or something, bash these people in the head, and say "THIS IS FUCKEN METAL YOU DICKHEAD".
Ok, thats enough of my cheery reply to this topic

Hahaha. I get a bit worked up because most people my age (I'm only 18) are ignorant to real metal and constantly put down my music because a) its melodic; b) the drums are fast instead of groovy; c) they don't detune; and d) the crowds don't mosh and groove to those horrid words "Are you ready? Then GET THE FUCK UP!"