How many here enjoy nu-metal?

Do you like nu-metal?

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C-Taylor said:
I like some. Some bands would be:

Papa Roach (I like thier music, so fuck)

They rip off Iron Maiden. To see what I'm saying, listen to "Prowler" by Iron Maiden and then listen to "Between Angels and Insects" by Papa Roach. And no, it doesn't stop there. Listen to the second half of "Genghis Kahn" by Iron Maiden and then listen to "Last Resort" by Papa Roach.

ha, someone even asked papa roach if they listened to iron maiden. the answer? no, they don't. ha, bullshit liars.
It really wouldnt suprise me if they didn't listen to Maiden..cause it sure as hell doesnt show through in their music :zombie:

At least Sum 41 (who are known to be HUGE Maiden fans) throw in some nifty harmonies occasionally.
Al Qaida of a Down, Jumpmaira, Stinkin Fart, Slapdick, Muffsmack, Disturd, PoleHigh, Papa Cooch, and the rest of this evolving JUMPCORE scene never ever was good. Nothing but a target.
I like some nu-metal...Deftones, Cold, Mudvayne, and Evanescence.

By the way, I have to say to the dude with the huge-ass Manowar picture in his sig.... it's perfect...

It's a perfectly gay picture for a perfectly gay offense, but that picture does the band show how silly they are.
Morgiah said:
I used to be a music-elitist.

But I like the band Cold.
a lot.

and I also like Disturbed. :tickled:

and I'm guilty of listening to Enya a time or two as well.

Hey I like all those bands a lot as well. (Enya somewhat, but I don't mind it at all.)
i hate Nu metal but I like SOAD... would that classify me as likeing some nu metal??

I mean I hate metallica with a passion but I like a few songs by them, that wouldn't make me a fan would it?