And the bartender says, "What'll it be?"

BABS said:
Yeah, we'll get our own little PP Team USA thing going huh Angela?

All I need is for you and Jaime to give me a boost up onto the bar and I could serve beer with the best of them!
We might not need as much help as I thought- just remembered the corset night idea. Anybody can look hot in a corset!
Oh that's right, corset night! Somebody get ready to brace their foot into my back and tie me up tight (that didn't sound right did it?)

Is the lady seamstress still on this forum? I might need to have here make one for me for my proportions being that I'm short.
raiderdeath1 said:
My wife wants the bartender, She says she looks like Jasmine St. Claire (Wifes Fave)
The bartender looks BETTER than Jasmine St. Claire. Trust me, I've seen Jasmine in person.