And yet another newcomer...


Electric Minstrel
Hey there, my name is Brett, and I have been listening to metal to as long as I can remember. My first introduction was way back in the early 70s when I was still a small lad saw a high school band playing "Smoke on the Water"... and I was instantly hooked. Stuff I listen to regularly (mostly prog stuff):

Black Sabbath
Dream Theater
Iron Maiden
Odin's Court (local DC prog metal band)
Brave (another local DC prog metal band)
Symphony X
King's X

The list just goes on and on...

I've got my own female-fronted prog metal band int he works, also local to the DC area, called Risen From Ashes. I'm playing lead guitar, and I have the singer, Parthena, who is also doing keyboard duty. Still need a drummer and bass player. We're getting ready to record our first CD.

-- Brett
What up Brett. Dude thats tight, and old schoolmetal head! Dude I was looking at your signiture, and dude, its from LOTR. With frodo and an elf after the first meeting with the Nazgul. Thats awesome
Brian the Beast said:
So your an LOTR fan huh? Thats tight? Did you like the movies at all? I thought they were cool but some purists dont like them.
I'm quite a bit beyond a fan...more like a scholar... :cool: I've been reading Tolkien since 1977; in fact, I just got finished re-reading LotR.

I quite liked the movies. I wasn't expecting them to be perfect, it's a difficult story to tell, and I think Peter Jackson did an admirable job. Whenever you try to tell someone else's story, the Storyteller's License always applies. No two people can tell the exact same story.

-- Brett
Howdie Brett, Welcome here