And your replacement band is....

I'd say you've got to be kidding but you obviously aren't. :rolleyes:

I did try. I listened to it. Not surprised but not my thing at all.

For you guys that do like this kind of metal enjoy them.
Do you need to rag everything that doesn't go your way? I've sat through many a prog band I didn't like to see the power metal bands that I love and NEVER bitched if Glenn replaced a band with another prog band because what's fair is fair. You, though, need to give a dig at whatever band is replaced that is not a prog band. No one so far in this thread has bitched...except you. You have done this before because I called you on it last time. Cut the shit already.
You're the one who called it an upgrade, which I think Persefone would consider an insult. So if you can say that, I certainly can say what I did. Saying I didn't like them isn't exactly bitching. I guess you missed that part about me saying enjoying the band for those that liked that kind of metal. I'm glad you think that I give a crap about you calling me out about anything and that would change me expressing an opinion. Congratulations on your self-importance. So how about YOU cut the shit?
You're the one who called it an upgrade, which I think Persefone would consider an insult.

I feel the same way. I don't care about Unleash the Archers. They're not my thing, but I'm happy for everyone who's stoked.

Personally I feel fucked this year. Two bands I was really wanting to see (I've been expecting AG every year for the past 4) are out one was replaced in kind with a band that doesn't thrill me and the other was not replaced in kind (I get the reasons and I understand the move, but I still feel shorted).

It's just a brutal year (through no one here's actual fault). And it sucks in particular for me (especially when everyone screams OMG SUCH UPGRADE! MANY WOWS! when bands I'm dying to see get replaced).
You're the one who called it an upgrade, which I think Persefone would consider an insult. So if you can say that, I certainly can say what I did. Saying I didn't like them isn't exactly bitching. I guess you missed that part about me saying enjoying the band for those that liked that kind of metal. I'm glad you think that I give a crap about you calling me out about anything and that would change me expressing an opinion. Congratulations on your self-importance. So how about YOU cut the shit?
How many people on this board called any replacement band an upgrade? Go check. There are quite a few. You started this nonsense by taking a shot at me because of my opinion. And, I'm only supposed to recognize yours? You hid your douchebaggery by saying at the end of your gripe that those who like this kind of metal to enjoy it. Epic fail. You claim I insulted Persefone? What did you say about Unleash The Archers? Hypocrite.
I guess it was better to hide your "douchebaggery" by trying to justify your use of the word upgrade by using everyone else who said it in the other threads. That's even worse and they are basically insulting the bands that got replaced, so that's no better than you. I said I didnt like them, I didn't say oh that's a downgrade. I said enjoy it and I do hope everyone does. You really need to practice what you're preaching.

And thanks Mardoch, you GET it.
Time to ease up folks. Tensions are running high. DTfanatic & Purveyor- you guys are simply on opposite sides of the coin. No need to take this further.

And I will remain professional myself and not address those that feel fucked and shorted.
I think Glenn on stage as Les Grossman would ease things up a bit, you've donned the gold jacket, now its time for the dance!!! :muahaha:

Just throwing some humor in!

Time to ease up folks. Tensions are running high. DTfanatic & Purveyor- you guys are simply on opposite sides of the coin. No need to take this further.

And I will remain professional myself and not address those that feel fucked and shorted.

Heh, fans can be butthurt! I'm not attempting to trivialize all that it entails for you to have to make swaps like this, just to be clear.
I was pissed off when Avantasia was not announced for Anubis Gate...then again for Morgana we have to suffer with Unleash the Archers instead of Avantasia???WTF Glenn!!!
Unleash The Archers is going to bring the mothafuckin house down!
Never heard of them.

I'm really confused though, aren't female fronted metal bands supposed to have female vocals that are all light and pretty and not really metal at all?

Apparently, NOT! I look forward to seeing them. I bet they're fun live!
Never heard of them.

I'm really confused though, aren't female fronted metal bands supposed to have female vocals that are all light and pretty and not really metal at all?

Apparently, NOT! I look forward to seeing them. I bet they're fun live!

Like someone said before her voice is kinda like a female midnight......

I will be veru interested if her voice can carry this band live...I kinda was meh about the music but then again that voice is all I noticed......which leads me to ask...where the fuck has she been all these years and why is this the first time I have heard her?
Well, I had heard of them through YouTube recommendations, and really it was more the band name than the female fronted part that attracted me. (Really, Unleash The Archers is an awesome band name.) To be honest, the music hasn't really grabbed me as of yet, but they should be pretty fun.

And yes, there are plenty of good aggressive female fronted bands out there. Sister Sin, Collibus, A Sound Of Thunder.

As for the changes, I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing. Basically, three bands who I really didn't have much awareness of (but was looking forward to being exposed to) have been replaced by new bands I wasn't much aware of. (I know of Soto from his various projects, but other than Ynvwie, I don't own any of them.) Really, my main loss was While Heaven Wept, but given my PTO situation, I don't think I could have seen them anyways.

In any case, tho, I'm just glad to be back. Missing last year really hurt, but I had little choice.