Her voice is great. We will see if she can pull it off live. A female Midnight, though? LOL. LOL, I say. Not even a little bit. I will say, however, as both a connoisseur of teh tr00 metals AND someone with a seething, roiling, soul-consuming abject hatred for Disney metal's corseted, velvet-sleeved, doe-eyed popera singers... This chick can wail. I am pleased. Will be watching for sure. Eh, the music and the lyrical content are pretty unoriginal and campy, but it looks like this band is packin' a tight kit overall.
Also, whoever mentioned Crimson Glory, there will never be a female vocalist. Even if the band decided to try AGAIN (which won't ever happen), Jeff and Dana would rather sandpaper an alligator's ass in a crowded phone booth than even entertain the idea. Verily did I guffaw.
Back on topic, though, I am interested and glad to be in the audience for this one, as I had planned to sit Persefone out. Way to go, Glenn!