Andre on tour

Hi Steve (and everybody else, of course!) was definetely great touring with both bands, let's not forget about the finnish newcomers Thunderstone. Anybody who does not know them...check them out!
All the gigs have been great, espacially Strato's DVD shooting in Milano - killer! 4000 people into it! All together...! I think I have never seen something like that!
Nice also to figure out how great everybody in these bands is, fun to hang out with!
If you wanna see some pics of the tour, don't hesitate to look at

Have fun!

Ciao for now!

Yeah, sounds you had a great time dude!
Lots of cool pics too... and Stratovarius DVD shooting in Milano? hmm..sounds good :D ..That had to be a awesome experience!

NP: Thy Majestie - The sight of Telham Hill

I tell you...I never saw a crowd that going like that night...from counting off till far after the last!
I have to be honest, though, most other gigs were pretty going as well...for all those who might have been to gigs at other places...this one was just exagerating great!

Ciao for now,
