Andromeda/M.D.C./Moshington DC/D.W.N.


Dutch Demon
Feb 27, 2007
The Netherlands

Anyone who has any info about all those old pre-EtoS projects? I know thanks to metal-archives they released a bunch of demos under various names (and in various styles) BEFORE the 7GOF demo, and I am just curious to find out more =). I was hoping to buy a few, but they seem to be rare as f*ck, and I can't even find info/tracklistings/... online =/

All info appreciated! :notworthy
Yeah, there were basically two pre-EToS demos, "The Fourth Dimension" by Andromeda (May 1992) and "Beyond the Fantasy" (October 1993) by M.D.C + the first EToS demo from April/May 1994. "T4D" is just horrible, "BtF" is better but the style is quite far from EToS.. But "T7GoF" is not bad at all, excluding the horrible overall 4-track recorder production...

And by the way, D.W.N. wasn't really a band or even a project but just a raw demo recorded all by myself, a collection of some thrash metal songs I had written in early 1993. I just needed to get those songs out of my head as we had already started planning M.D.C. and that was something completely different from thrash metal.
Hey Mr. Puolakanaho!

Sorry for the extremely late revival of this thread.
I appreciate the answers; I read there was also an unfinished Andromeda 1992 demo simply called "II" - is that the same as the D.W.N. demo or something different?

Also, I don't suppose you have any copies of the old demos left lying around cluttering up your basement/attic/...? =P Even though you might think they're not as good, I'd still love to hear all of them!

Thanks ;)