I would like to offer you some entertainment


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
Hey everyone, I was kinda hesitant on posting this, but I figure, screw it. I made it and publicized it on my site so I am not ashamed of it.

If you go to my site and to the downloads section under music, you will find two interactive musical projects that I have been working on. Electric Paella is completely finished and It's Bad has just gotten under way. You can get info about the tracks by scrolling your mouse over them and then just click on them to download. You can also open these demos from the main page.


many of you have heard one of the tracks off the It's Bad project! :grin:

The songs of the EP demo all were recorded with a PC mic, so the quality isn't as good as the It's Bad project, where I am now using direct!

OK, enough babbling, if you have time to check it out feel free!
the_satanic_rabbit said:
Are you callin me a cracker?
That's very offensive to me...except, judging by your picture you're not black, so it shouldn't mean anything then...
Oh well, you should just call me a bloody yank!


Dude...I think she's just called you a Wheat biscuit....a cracker, nice with cheese :tickled:
Cracker is what a black american calls a white person. It's a derogatory term; it's almost like a white man calling a black man a n***er

So thanks a lot you bloody down under, souther-hemisphere person, you...uh....yeah
that's about the extent of my aussie insults. You guys suck just like Elle MacPherson, yeah!
well hun i'm not black or american so i certainly wasnt being offensive.. seems like a silly word to be offended over frankly.. if someone called me that trying to insult me i would just laugh and tell them they have to try harder than that.

I can't really think of any Aussie derogatory terms, I guess we are just too sweet..:lol:
Friend of Moloch said:
Hey Polyeidus, if I check out Sun Caged, will you remove that sig banner? It slows down my comp every time I see it. :bah:

No kiddin? Then save it as write protected in your temp folder!:grin:

Well, I'll make a deal with you. If you help me, and all the others who have that banner in their sig promote Sun Caged by some other means, then ok.
Polyeidus said:
No kiddin? Then save it as write protected in your temp folder!:grin:

Well, I'll make a deal with you. If you help me, and all the others who have that banner in their sig promote Sun Caged by some other means, then ok.

Eh, I'll just save it as write-protected. I'm lazy. :) But if I like 'em, I'll promote 'em.