Andy and friends...question about mic preamps


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
Hello everybody...i am about to purchase my first outboard gear, and heres my options:

A pair of Focusrite ISA 220´s (they have mic pre,EQ,Comp)
A Focusrite Red 8 (dual mic pre) and a pair of dbx 160A compressors
A Focusrite ISA PrePack (4 mic pres) and a pair of dbx 160A compressors

My budget is US$2500-3000 tops.

One more question for those who know Genelec monitors:you guys think the 1031As are enough without the sub? a pair of 1030s and sub will do it?or the only choice for good low end are the 1032s?

Thanks in advance!
You should maybe look at API mic pres also, I have the Foc Reds....there ok, not great on everything.

If you're on a budget go for the 1030s + sub, I have 1031s + sub and they're good, but the 1030's definately have a certain charm. You can't hammer them too loud though.
Thnks for the tips Andy...ForbbidenEvil: y have a PT system with a Control 24 mixing surface;it comes with 16 Focusrite pres...that´s all i have...i am looking for a pair of mic pres to do Kick/Snare and then bass, gtrs, vocals...a do-it-all kinda thing...i apprciate any comments/reviews .
I know a guy building 2-channel MCI preamps with EQ. He started out stripping consoles, and selling them to close friends. Now he got a distributor in Britain, so when ever you get a chance to check them out, make sure to do so even if you've already bought your grear. They're about the fattest preamps I've heard. No bullshit.

Wow, the api and the other stuff are condemned expensive. That is not any more my price class. No matter, I have also no commercial studio.
It is more for our band and for local demo-bands. For important productions we must rent ourselves a studio. At least for drums and the mix.
yknow what, after all is said and done, the mic pre is important I know, but I've done great recordings on mackie/soundcraft level stuff. So don't get too carried away, it's worth having a good chain for your main overdubs, but theres no reason why you can't get away with a mackie for say the majority of your kit if needs be...especially when labels pay next to nothing these days. I try not to be a gear snob, you always know a bad live engineer when he starts quoting model numbers to you, all I want to know is where are the 57's.
Thanks everybody for the input!Andy, you mentioned you didnt like the TL Audio stuff...someone recommended me their M3 tube mixer...8 tube preamps/8 analog eq´s for US$ is from their classic blue line, do you have any experience/comments on TL stuff? Thanks again
Ok, so API is great for kick and snare?
But how does it work for vocals, guitars and overheads..?

I too am looking for a high-end preamp, but I cant afford several different ones. I allready have a Focusrite Octopre (midrange product).
From what I've read, the 8 channel Trident isn't the same. I haven't heard it myself, but the athoritative, but snobby people at Gearslutz have, and they don't recommend it.

API is great for guitars too. A Grace mic pre would be really great for anything, its so clean and musical, and you can always dirty it up later.
Andy, perhaps you could give us the names of some albums you did using API on the guitars...? I'm soo curious.
Hey Everyone,
This is first post here, hey Andy I love the new Arch Enemy Anthem of Rebellion Everything you do is crystal clear but still warm. Is there any software you use in PT to help with that , or is it all outboard gear?