Andy Pinch Harmonic Question


Jun 29, 2004
Hello I would like to know how do you record the guitars´pinch hamonics (artifical harmonic) is there any secret to make it sound louder or more powerful (i don´t have EMG pick ups lol)

Thank you!!!!
The best way to get pinch harmonics more apparent in mixes is to practice them until they really stand out when you're just playing. I know this is a nontechnical answer, but it really is true. Pinches should always be able to cut through in a track, except when your treble/mids are turned down(then they'd be muffled).
Well, I cheat usually ehehe. I usually record the guitar track and record just the harmonic on it.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
I think possibly the simplest answer to this question is...

arm the track and hit record!
Oh man, I am just tired enough to find that joke absolutely hysterical. I nearly soiled myself.
A lot of people ask me this because I use a lot of pinch harmonics myself and have never had any problems with them. It's all in the technique really. EMGs help but I have gotten great pinch harmonics out of passives for years...

The most important thing is to give the string a wide vibrato at a pretty good speed. It's almost as important as your picking technique. The vibrato really helps the harmonic to resonate.
Wow...yea pinch harmonics are all in the playing. it helps to mute everything you're doing before hitting them, then they really stand out. If your playing on the guitar is sloppy though it could take a while to make them really stick out. That and you could tediously find what frequencies the harmonics is affecting the most and tweak those out with either EQing, Compression, or both...I suppose.