Here's what I do... I grab their guitar and squeal for them. Just learn how to squeal like Adam d , and always track the squeals for them. And as discouraging as that is, that will motivate them to practice

With bends and vibrato, it ENTIRELY in the technique.
Fuck using automated pitch shifts and melodyne for that purpose. There is a fine line between technology making things easier and technology hiding a severe lack of talent and ability. Once you cross the line of the latter, that's where it starts to just become bullshit IMO.
For any lead guitarist, if one does not have mastery of either, I tend to not consider them to be very good. Listen to Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael and Chris Amott, Joe Satriani, Mikael Akerfeldt, Jeff Loomis and David Gilmour as just some examples of guys with PERFECT intonation. I could list more, but those are just some of the guys I paid attention to when it came to bends and vibrato.
Satriani in particular is the master of 5 semi tone bends on the G string and 4 semi tone bends on the B and E strings, and those are the kind of bends that are super fucking hard to do and require both a precise ear and fretting hand to pull of.
Even just 20 minutes a day on vibrato and bending and within 2 weeks you will see a drastic improvement, but it has to be proper, focused practice.
Things like taller frets help too.
Pinch harmonics are about 75 per cent technique, and the rest comes to down to gear really.
Someone with good technique can pull of pinch harmonics on a nylon string acoustic if they had to.
Active pickups and certain kinds of medium to high output passive pickups are particularly conducive to better sounding pinch harmonics.
In some years anyone will be able to fart in front of a mic and listen to a perfect guitar solo just with a Fart-To-Solo plugin.
In some years anyone will be able to fart in front of a mic and listen to a perfect guitar solo just with a Fart-To-Solo plugin.
3 fingers with the left hand is key to get ridiculous pinches with crazy bends
Totally didn't see that! Good one necro!!! lol^ because this is a (yet another beautiful) necropost![]()