Andy Sneap C4 using Reaper Plugin?

First be aware that the Andy Sneap C4 setting is only for guitar tracks that have excessive bass frequencies (particularly during palm mute sections) that can't be easily removed with a high-pass filter. If the low-end of the guitars sounds fine without it, then there's no reason to use it.

Anyway, any multiband compressor should work. It should be easy enough to match the settings shown in screenshots online of Sneap's C4 setting--a single band that covers the range of the boomy guitar frequencies. As for ReaComp (I assume that's what you mean, I couldn't find a RealComp plugin), that's not a multiband compressor. Try ReaXcomp instead.
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Hi man, I don't know a way to use Realcomp for Andy's C4, however, there's a multiband compressor in Reaper called ReaXcomp.
You need to deactive1/3/4 bands and keep active only 2.


Way better option is Fabfilter MB. Here's an example by Kohle(Aborted, Crematory, Powerwolf)
Hope it helps!

Yes sorry I meant RealXcomp. I’ve tried it before with almost the same setting you have posted. It did keep the palm mites in check but it also added a flutter to the guitars that I could not get resolved.

Hi man, I don't know a way to use Realcomp for Andy's C4, however, there's a multiband compressor in Reaper called ReaXcomp.
You need to deactive1/3/4 bands and keep active only 2.

View attachment 20033

Way better option is Fabfilter MB. Here's an example by Kohle(Aborted, Crematory, Powerwolf)
Hope it helps!

Thank you for the Reaper RealXcomp. I used it on this chunky song below and it did help with the chugs.

I'd love some feedback on the overall mix of this song. Just scratch tracks and a few notes off here or there but more or less looking for feedback on the mix.

6 String Jackson (Christian Olde Wolbers) tuned to Drop B
Daw = Reaper
Guitars = EZMix
I didn't want to tune my bass down so there's a bass track on here played with one string on my guitar EQed different than the guitar tracks

I have a Hi and Lo Pass filer on the guitars as well as notching out a couple frequencies and the Sneap C4 using RealXcomp. I did a little "mastering" using EZMix as well as some EQ.