Andy Sneap Forum NKI Drum Samples


Apr 20, 2013
I started making NKI files for kontakt out of all the multi sampled drums I've gotten from this site.
I don't know if making multi sampled nki's is common knowledge, but I learned how to do it
so I figured I'd start sharing them.
Here's a youtube playlist with examples and downloads in the descriptions.............................V.... Click the red "Youtube" to get the playlist

Also I noticed the Erkan cymbal samples are just kind of 1 hit per velocity and kind of hard to use without getting the machine gun effect so I added a script
for automatic articulation and humanization that in my opinion makes it convincing.


The settings that pop up by default are the settings I did that I think sounds best.
But you can mess with it to see if you can make it better.

I might make them look prettier, but for right now they're plain looking.
I packed together 3 of the cymbals for you guys to download and try out here
C2 Crash
C#2 Crash Choke
D2 Stick Tip
D#2 Stick Tip Choke

If there's any drum samples you guys have or are on this site that you would like to be able to use in
Kontakt just post them below.
Dude great work!!! can you post a link to any source that teaches how to make a good drum NKI? i have lots of samples and would be nice to lear the process.
Which version of kontakt did you use to make the files? I own kontakt 5 and it tells me to upgrade to a newer version in order to load the patches.
Dude great work!!! can you post a link to any source that teaches how to make a good drum NKI? i have lots of samples and would be nice to lear the process.

I looked one of the slate samples and took it apart. Looked at all the instrument options, group editing and all that jazz. The manual helps too haha.
Back in high school when I made rap beats I used NI Battery 3 A LOT. The functions on that are really similar to kontakt, so I took
what I knew from that and applied it to kontakt.

Thanks for all the effort man, really appreciated.

Yeah, No problem. I wouldn't have any of them if it weren't for this forum.

Which version of kontakt did you use to make the files? I own kontakt 5 and it tells me to upgrade to a newer version in order to load the patches.

I just got Kontakt 6. It's pretty cool.
Not really, I have Kontakt 5.0.2, It's like almost 2 years old. I hope it's not the scripting cause that shit's cool as heck.
Did you try one of the files in the description of one of those videos? Those ones don't have the scripting.
Hmm... Wasn't Joey Sturgis snare commercial? In that case it's not legit to give them like so.
Also I think you should credit people who put effort to make those samples and give them for free if they recorded those of course.
Hmm... Wasn't Joey Sturgis snare commercial? In that case it's not legit to give them like so.
Also I think you should credit people who put effort to make those samples and give them for free if they recorded those of course.

I just googled the Joey snare and it is commercial so I removed it.
A lot of the samples are as old as 2009 and mostly named "snare01" or "snare hard hit" so giving credit to whoever made some of the samples or even saying what kind of drum it is is next to impossible.
But for the newer samples that I am able to locate where I got them I will try and give credit as much as possible.
Maybe I'll include a notepad file with them with a detailed disclaimer.
In no way am I trying to give off the impression of "I made these" "These are mine", ya know?

Also this was kind of an offer for people to post links they find of samples they like (not just my collection), but don't know how to make nki files out of them so I would just do it for them.
C'mon guys, Where ya at?
Here's a preview of how some of the Erkan Cymbals will sound together.
Keep in mind that they are single hit samples with an articulation and humanization script.
When I have some more free time I'll zip them all together and post them.

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So here's the full Erkan collection. There's 26 different cymbals.
When you unzip them put them in a file folder somewhere where you know where they are (duh)
because I think the first initial attempt to open it will say the samples are missing and ask for
the sample folder location. Or maybe it might not do that at all.

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So I made a script that will allow the user to blend in multi sample and multi mic drum samples
like the Slate drums for Kontakt. Took forever haha.
For right now It's just the 4 standard mics, but I can edit it to have up to 16 mics per drum (No one will need that)
I'll make it look not so kindergarten later.

This is a quick little ditty of the latest script

This is with the Humanizing and Articulation disabled.
I probably should have increase the voice handling to like 64 cause 1 hit = 4 voices at once so they start to choke off after 8 hits.
Also I'll add velocity crossfades so the velocity transitions are smother.
Still a work in progress
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That's funny, I gave these a listen this morning and thought they sounded awesome and was gonna make an nki out of them.
I'll post them in a couple minutes.