Andy Sneap Forum NKI Drum Samples

thanks dude!
I think the random velocity range of the kick is too wide, I mean it sometimes too high and sometimes too low, it should be a lot more gentle... anyway thanks for your work.
Very cool. I never did multiple velocities for the mapex, just different hits that were all hard.
The snare should be sampled all the way down to soft though.

The venus kick from your site had 26 kick samples in it, sounds like 1-4, 8 are light, 6, 7, 10 are medium and the rest are hard

I think the random velocity range of the kick is too wide, I mean it sometimes too high and sometimes too low, it should be a lot more gentle... anyway thanks for your work.

On the humanize tab there's a velocity knob that controls the amount of randomness.
I noticed that even if you have multi hit drum samples set to randomly trigger it still can play the same sample more than once right after each other
A 4 hit sampled snare can be like
1 2 1 4 3 1 3 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 1
You know?
Like in the middle there's a group of 1's still giving it a machine gun effect

I been messing with a script that makes it so it's impossible for it to have 1 sample played more than one time in a row
Slower tempo stuff it might not be as important, but faster rolls and blast beats and stuff you can really here it.

A combination of like a 10 hit sampled snare and this script is DAAAAMN SON!

The first solo'd snare is the regular kontakt randomizing, and the second solo'd snare is with the "anti-machine" script. Come at me Slate.
Tempos 180, 200, 220, 250

This is a 4 hit snare that I don't know where it came from.

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I had script for that long time ago. I thought you already knew this. And I would never use random triggering, only round robin to get rid of machine gun chance.
I'm working on my next free kick drum sample with 2 OH positions (mono and stereo) + room. And all of that use round robin script with synced same hit.
I just assumed the default random wouldn't do that. I was messing with a kick sample that's pre processed with tons of reverb on it at the machine gunning even on random was more apparent to me.
I'm not a fan of round robin, I finished the synced same hit multi mic'd with random a few days ago. Added this antimachine gun script to it.
I'm sure there's a way to set what order the groups trigger manually. Like 10 hit snare that has a 100 round robin. That would be sick.
on init
declare $drums :=1
end on
on note

case 1
allow_group(find_group("drums 1"))

end select
end on

Case section is that where you declare placement on round robin, so you can make 10 cases that use same groups over and over in different order.

I'm no scripting wizard, but I have good analyzing skills, so I analyzed some kontakt instruments that I bought and understood things that were consistent over all of them.
And still I have many cases where my instruments fail and I have to start making them from ground up and test/ troubleshoot on each step to know where it failed.
this is all great work!

but how do us peasants get this script? Is that a separate file for download somewhere?

I just typed it, just paste that text in script section and make CASE sections according to your needs.
Or you can donate whatever you want (1-5$ is good) to me and I'll make NKI for you. And I'm not so much interested in new samples if only you can Charles J's or Lesse's equal samples ;).

P.s. I don't think you can be more peasant than me. Because of that I'm DIY what I can't afford.
I use the Nils Liberg script editor to script. It basically commands/functions/all the fancy $ =:_'';==- things in a drop down menu and you just click and it types it for you.
I messed with that script for a few minutes and was able to do a bunch of stuff with it. Being able to control what orders the groups trigger was like the last thing on my list of "what to learn" haha
I've heard Liberg name and probably saw his site, but didn't know there was some automatic scripting stuff.

They was a app that you could drag and drop knobs/sliders and stuff onto a template and save it as a script, but for some reason they took it down.
There's an online version for it here Never learned to use it though.

Going through all the samples I have.
The Tama Starclassic Maple Toms Mago did are really awesome haha
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