Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
This is directed towards no one in particular, so please don't take offense. I just have something I want to say once and for all:

In the two years that I've been here, I have seen dozens (if not hundreds!) of requests for Andy to post various amp settings all over this forum, and I'm really tired of it. Andy has already given us ballpark settings for what tends to work for him, explained how he positions an SM57 on a cab (even taking the time to take photographs!), explained his speaker and cab choice, tubescreamer usage, etc, and basically revealed everything about how he achieves his guitar sound, which proves that he's one of the coolest dudes alive.

Now, if you haven't noticed, Andy VERY rarely answers requests for amp settings. I can more understand requests for plainly "What kind of amp did you use for this project?" (which Andy answers much more often), but when it comes to amp settings, Andy probably doesn't even remember. Seriously, I can't even recall what settings I used on my last project- I just used my ears and turned knobs until it sounded right. Also, even if Andy did write down the exact amp settings he used on every project, and had them neatly organized alphabetically in a folder that he could quickly pull out of a desk every time that someone wanted amp settings for one of the hundreds of projects he's done, do you really think that knowing those exact settings is going to make your guitars sound just like the album you're inquiring about? Of course not. Unless you have the exact same chain of gear between the DI track and the reamped track, set all exactly the same way, placed in the exact same room, then specific amp settings will do nothing for you. Of course, some pieces of gear in the chain are more negligible, like which brand of guitar cable he used...but, we all know about microphone placement and how it plays such a massive role in how a source sounds on tape. Even if you had the amp settings for a certain album, those settings would sound like crap if your microphone isn't in the right place.

Anyway, I'm starting to repeat myself now, but that's the gist of it. Asking Andy for amp settings is pointless and annoying, and I hereby declare that it should cease!
This is a joke, right?

Not saying your skills suck, but the post above is a big statement to make.

Heh, of course I was joking, or rather trying to be sarcastic. Sometimes it just seems like there are people out there who think the magic lies in his presets and settings, completely ignoring that the man is an unbelievably talented engineer. I wouldn't put myself on the same line with Andy in a million years. He is, after all, probably my favourite metal producer of all time :)
Andy is obviously a great engineer, but I think his influence on bands songwriting is so overlooked. Sure his albums sound great, but off the top of my head I can't think of an album that he produced that I didn't like songwise.

Tempo of the Damned really sticks out to me as an album that wouldn't have been the same had Andy not worked on it.
Heh, of course I was joking, or rather trying to be sarcastic. Sometimes it just seems like there are people out there who think the magic lies in his presets and settings, completely ignoring that the man is an unbelievably talented engineer. I wouldn't put myself on the same line with Andy in a million years. He is, after all, probably my favourite metal producer of all time :)

That's what I thought, but sometimes it's hard to tell on forums.

Sorry man.