
Here is a band from Montreal, Quebec, the french province of Canada.


And here is their myspace page :

Here is their biography :

Through the ardent flames and the ugliest faces of reality, a melancolic and beautiful world took the shapes of a dream and knocked on Philippe's humble bedroom. Philippe then carried this dream and decided to use his time playing the keyboard, composing and creating a fantasy. This fantasy was later on called Anemonia.

As he was playing on his keyboard and composing, someone knocked on the door of his humble bedroom. That person enjoyed the music he could hear and asked Philippe if he was playing in a band. Philippe explained he was looking for musicians, and that person said he was playing the guitar. So after a few minutes of talking, Philippe learned that the name of the guitarist was Adam and a rehearsal was scheduled. During the first rehearsal which was held in Philippe's humble bedroom, Adam and him realised they musically fit well and playing together is very fun.

So after a couple of months of playing together we started to look for a singer. Many voices were heard, however, the magical feeling, the chemistry, it just was'nt there. During one of those terrible february nights, Philippe took a walk in the woods of Le Mont-Royal mountain located in the middle of Montreal. He was walking and thinking and dreaming and hoping and then he heard something beautiful, enchanting, amazing. Through the sound of the trees cracking and the cold wind blowing, he heard what he thought was a Siren of the Woods. He headed where the sound was coming from quickly as the voice was getting louder and louder and he just didn't know what he was about to see. Then he saw her, he just stood there, listening, escaping, for how long? Who knows. A terrible february night became a most magical winter night. Later on, he dared to introduce himself to her and explained he would just love it if she would sing with him. After hearing about the project, she accepted ravenously. This is when Philippe met Johanne. She then felt as if her departure from her home town Chicoutimi became finally worth it.

Then Philippe, Adam and Johanne played together and realised that the chemistry was there and they had lots of fun. So they thought it was time to look for a bassist. After trying out two bassists, Philippe thought about his old friend Guillaume with whom he played with in another band. However, Guillaume played the guitar in the other band, and he is also guitarist in a band called Sixth Extinction so he was not equiped to play the bass. After a few phone calls, he found a bass and an amp and was ready to play. The chemistry between Philippe and Guillaume was still and always there.

Now Philippe, Adam, Johanne and Guillaume played together and realised that the chemistry was there and they had lots of fun. So they thought it was time to look for a drummer. They tried one and it didn't work out. They were searching and looking and then one night we went out in a bar with the members of a band called Elficus. The drummer of Elficus heard about the Anemonia project and also knew we were looking for a drummer. So he told us he always dreamt of being in a band with a classical singer and a keyboard player. So an invitation for a rehearsal was sent and accepted right away. After three rehearsals, Simon the drummer was officially in the band and Anemonia was finally complete.

Anemonia is complete since the beginning of September 2005.