Anger Management Issues in CS (CounterStrike)

SSJ4SephirothX said:
Yeah, some foreign language. I don't know what he's saying. It's possible it may be Dutch. Can't tell though.

It´s Swedish, I believe. He´s saying "Fega jävel!", which rougly translated means "GAAAAAAAAAAAGAGAH, I can´t believe Children of Bodom has an ad on MTV...FUCK!...and that fucking asshole crept up behind me on this lame computer game and shot me in the back, which is why I have to scream and shout like a little baby!!!".
Oh, yeah, I forgot the second one, this too is Swedish - the supreme dialect Skånska of the swedish language. This dude says "Amen, nej, jag tror inte att det är sant! Hur fan i satans jävla...!". Means about the same as what the other boy said, although with a bunch of remarks about Children of Bodom stealing riffs thrown in there as well.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Now ppl, see the bad affects of FPS's to human kind :lol: :lol:

Not far from the truth... it's been proved that most hardcore gamers have much lower levels of certain things in their brain (sorry don't remember which things they were)... it can't be proved that gaming itself is the cause but they are related somehow. I do remember that is said most avid gamers are much quicker to anger and frustration than regular ppl (it's pretty easy to see why with all the cheaters and shit in multiplayer).
@Stun: don't say you're one of those "gamings are bad to our kids" people, PLEASE...

haha that first video is fucking hilarious, he made me remember of that little warrior indian in Ace Ventura 2, the one they brought in a backpack...

that second one is so uneventful :-P
some time ago i used to be VERY compulsive, not with losing to games but whenever the computer pulled whack shit on me... like hanging up or doing these REALLY stupid things that make them look like some kind of really idiotic child that you just want to shoot point blank between the eyes...

i know they're machines and in the end we make them work right or wrong, but if anyone's been in front of a computer for 10 years will understand me hopefully :-P