Angra Has Officially Broken Up!

Something to consider...

Edu is not the "band leader" of Angra (nor is Felipe) - that's Kiko and Rafael. So until they announce something, I wouldn't consider anything official.

There could be bad blood and/or a split between the 2 parties, and Edu is simply doing what most people would naturally do in this circumstance - promoting his new effort. ;)

As far as Edu's concerned, Angra may be done and he wants to capitalize on Angra's popularity to transfer fans to Almah; however, if he is no longer with Angra, he wouldn't know if Kiko/Rafael had other plans...
Guys...guys....don't despair. I received the new Almah album last week, since we recently signed the band (one of the benefits of being in the business..:-).

It sounds EXACTLY like a new Angra albums would sound.....not after the last album, but as a natural follow-up to Temple Of Shadows!!!!!!

I am NOT shitting you!!!!! I have had the first Almah album for a long time, and it's an ok album - melodic, but in my opinion lacking the extreme skills that personify the Angra releases.

The new album goes so far beyond that it almost seems like 2 different bands.
Wow, that sounds great. I heard the first Almah disc and just didn't care for it...definitely didn't sound anything like Angra musically. If the new one approaches even close to Temple Of Shadows, I'll be quite stoked...I'm holding you to this, Lars!! :heh:

As for the "break up", I agree that until I see something official from the website or from Kiko/Rafael, I won't believe the Angra name is done.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised to see another version of Angra on the horizon,like Matt said Angra is not over until Kiko and Rafael say its over....

I was there for that! Can't remember if weather played an issue that night or not, I might be mixing it up with the lack of crowd for Sy-X there....They put on a great show, for a handful of people....:rock:

no, you are right....there was snow that night. It was a nice day until later in the evening. Angra played in front of like 50 people. Still an amazing show.
After the last time I saw Angra and Edu's vocals were completely out of key the whole night, it doesn't surprise me one bit, and from what I heard, he was pretty bad at a bunch of shows(and I am a huge fan of Edu's singing), but the first time I saw Angra he was spot on. I will mainly follow Kiko because his solo work has impressed the hell out of me. The last Angra cd didn't do much for me, considering I was expecting a lot more after temple of shadows. How about they hire Mike Terrana on drums like every other band has done at some point and get Digiorgio on bass(who seems to have played in so many bands), and I am sure Ripper will be out of Malmsteen soon(cause i doubt he will last long there because nobody seems to work for malmsteen for long), and you my friends will have a new band, hehe.
no, you are right....there was snow that night. It was a nice day until later in the evening. Angra played in front of like 50 people. Still an amazing show.

Yeah, that was a cool show...shitty drive back home, but well worth the travel headaches for me. Thanks for proving that I'm not quite senile yet! :lol:
I wouldn't fret. Those two guitar players will put together something new pretty quickly.

As for the Matos vs. Falaschi debate, I think Matos is the more talented vocalist, but Matos' songwriting is hit or miss. And he seems to insist on being the creative center of any group he's in. Angra seemed like much more fo a band when they did the big lineup change.

Just look at Shaman. They are a more cohesive band now too. Matos is best off doing solo stuff, as that last solo album is pretty cool.
Ouch! Falaschi Falaschi!!!! Andre Matos" voice IMO was very annoying in high doses. Edu was much better!

I totally agree. I couldn't listen to Angra with Matos and I can't listen to anything with him now. Just something about his voice really irritates me. Too bad to hear about Angra though, I am currently trying to stream the new Almah single on their myspace page but it is not working.
no, you are right....there was snow that night. It was a nice day until later in the evening. Angra played in front of like 50 people. Still an amazing show.

Wasn't this like a week after Prog Power?
There was snow in September????????? :zombie:

Damn! If I start an emo band, SNOW IN SEPTEMBER!!!
No one steal that please
It was in November. It was a week or so before the Hammerfall / Dio tour and a week before Blind Guardian at the Metro. There was lots of snow after the show. I remember driving home that night thinking I should just go to my parents house which wasnt far from Rilleys. I decided to go home to the city and actually got parking right in front of my is a rare thing. That show got out sooooo late to. I think Angra didnt get on stage till around midnight. It was also great to see Onward.
Rileys was worse than Pearl Room is now with adding on 3 unannounced local bands you never heard of.
Yeah, HammerFall / Dio was Dec 1st in Chicago, and BG was Dec 6th (I only remember since I had to miss it, being that's my wife's b-day)
"Angra isn't 'terminated'"
Mood: angry

This was their status a few hours ago, recently, they added a press release about the situation.

In the past few days many press vehicles in Europe received a newsletter from the record label AFM, where supposedly Angra and Almah's singer Edu Falaschi said that "Angra had been terminated". This is a big misunderstanding, and it was never actually said, neither by Edu or any other member of Angra. As Edu Falaschi puts it:

"I must clarify a big misunderstanding that is going on with the Almah promotion. Although I am fully concentrated on Fragile Equality's release and consequent promotion at this moment, I never said "Angra has been terminated". These are not my words whatsoever! Angra is not done; we're taking a break, a pause. The band is going through some difficult management issues, and all of us are doing our best to get back on the road. We don't know when it will be possible, but we hope to announce some good news soon. Almah is no longer a solo project, it's a full time band, but it doesn't mean that I or Felipe have left Angra, or that the band is over."