Angra introduces new drummer - video


Aug 1, 2002
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Bruno Valverde is the new Angra drummer, substituting Ricardo Confessori.

The band posted a video of him playing Angels and Demons earlier today. It's worth checking it just because there aren't that many 23 year olds "wow-ing" people these days in metal. His precision is unbelievable. I can only imagine what this kid will be playing like in 5, 10 years...

Anyways, here's the video:

They will be heading into studio soon to record a new album with Fabio Lione on vocals. What excites me the most is the fact that Jens Bogren will be the producer (Opeth, Katatonia, Devin Townsend, Soilwork, Amon Amarth, Pain of Salvation, Leprous, James Labrie, Ihsahn, etc...)
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Wow! Very nice cover. My favorite Angra era is the Edu and Aquiles Era. I am a fan of Fabio for sure but for some reason I am just having a hard time with the thoughts of him in Angra. I hope that any new material will dash my second thoughts. I didn't care for the last 2 efforts and without Edu and Aquiles I have just written them off. I do hope however they put out a killer album and prove to me that they still have it.
@Angra Rules

One day I'd really like to discuss some things with you about Angra. They used to be my favorite band in the world for a while, back in the 90s. I still love them, but the DVD I saw with Fabio only made me sad.

I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry on, especially on the songs from the Matos era.

Anyway, I'll see them on Hellfest in 2 weeks so I'll know better, but I consider Fabio one of the worst choices they could make, music wise always. I like his voice, but not for Angra. Not at all...

They seem like an average band in my eyes and to rephrase Grohl I though something like "there go my heroes, they're ordinary".

Now, why is Ricardo out?
@Angra Rules

One day I'd really like to discuss some things with you about Angra. They used to be my favorite band in the world for a while, back in the 90s. I still love them, but the DVD I saw with Fabio only made me sad.

I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry on, especially on the songs from the Matos era.

Anyway, I'll see them on Hellfest in 2 weeks so I'll know better, but I consider Fabio one of the worst choices they could make, music wise always. I like his voice, but not for Angra. Not at all...

They seem like an average band in my eyes and to rephrase Grohl I though something like "there go my heroes, they're ordinary".

Now, why is Ricardo out?

So let me get this straight... It made you sad as opposed to watching Angra with Edu, who simply couldn't hold a note to Angra's songs anymore? What's your measuring system for that?

Fabio's voice is different, just like Edu's was different than Andre. It's a different style. Yet Fabio is possibly the most consistent live singer you'll ever find. The guy never has a bad night. He'll drink and smoke and yet his voice will be perfect every single night. He's got more notoriety than Edu after being with Rhapsody and Kamelot. If anyone could put Angra back to relevance (aside from Andre, of course) it's Fabio. I think he did a tremendous job. It's nice to see Angra with a singer who can actually sing live. It takes a second to get used to it, but once you do... it's golden.

It's no wonder Angra is selling more tickets now than they were in the past 5, 6 years, appearing on more TV shows, getting more money for their concerts...

Ricardo left the band because he would be concentrating on other projects. Quite frankly, this new kid seems to be able to do the job just fine, if not better. :rock:

I will say that I'm surprised you call them your favorites and yet you slam their attempt of coming back to the top like that...
They will be heading into studio soon to record a new album with Fabio Lione on vocals. What excites me the most is the fact that Jens Bogren will be the producer (Opeth, Katatonia, Devin Townsend, Soilwork, Amon Amarth, Pain of Salvation, Leprous, James Labrie, Ihsahn, etc...)

No way with Jens Bogren?! Yes! I'm so relieved to hear that after being disappointed with Aqua's production, loved the song on it though. This new record is going to sound killer!
@Angra Rules

One day I'd really like to discuss some things with you about Angra. They used to be my favorite band in the world for a while, back in the 90s. I still love them, but the DVD I saw with Fabio only made me sad.

I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry on, especially on the songs from the Matos era.

Anyway, I'll see them on Hellfest in 2 weeks so I'll know better, but I consider Fabio one of the worst choices they could make, music wise always. I like his voice, but not for Angra. Not at all...

They seem like an average band in my eyes and to rephrase Grohl I though something like "there go my heroes, they're ordinary".

Now, why is Ricardo out?

Couldn't disagree more. I thought the new blu-ray/DVD with Fabio was outstanding. I'll admit I was skeptical when I heard Fabio would be joining the band but that DVD put all of my doubts to rest. If anything, it made me feel like for the first time in a long time, Angra was back on the map.
Not sure I'd count myself as wow'd, but he's definitely got the chops and the vigor of youth. Also he plays traditional grip which you just don't see a ton of.

My issue with Angra nowadays is the voice. I'm not a Fabio fan. However, I will at least pick up the new disc to see how it goes...cause it's feckin Angra.
Bands are always in a tough spot when it comes to replacing a singer. They can either get a singer who's a clone or they can get a singer who brings their own sound to the band. If they do the former, they'll be criticized for getting a clone. If they do the latter, they'll be criticized for straying from their sound, especially when they perform their "classic" material live.

I'm waiting to hear what they record with Fabio. Although I've never been a Rhapsody fan, Fabio's work on the last Hollow Haze album impressed me more than anything Matos or Edu has ever done. And given it's been ten years since Angra recorded something worth listening to, I think they were wise to breathe new life into the band with a singer like Fabio.
I was in love with the early Angra stuff, but with Edu in the band they just became "another" power metal band to me.

When I heard Fabio was going to play with them, I can't say I was excited at all. But all the live stuff I have seen with him is pretty awesome. I would go see them with Fabio in a second if they played a concert near me.
So let me get this straight... It made you sad as opposed to watching Angra with Edu, who simply couldn't hold a note to Angra's songs anymore? What's your measuring system for that?

Fabio's voice is different, just like Edu's was different than Andre. It's a different style. Yet Fabio is possibly the most consistent live singer you'll ever find. The guy never has a bad night. He'll drink and smoke and yet his voice will be perfect every single night. He's got more notoriety than Edu after being with Rhapsody and Kamelot. If anyone could put Angra back to relevance (aside from Andre, of course) it's Fabio. I think he did a tremendous job. It's nice to see Angra with a singer who can actually sing live. It takes a second to get used to it, but once you do... it's golden.

It's no wonder Angra is selling more tickets now than they were in the past 5, 6 years, appearing on more TV shows, getting more money for their concerts...

Ricardo left the band because he would be concentrating on other projects. Quite frankly, this new kid seems to be able to do the job just fine, if not better. :rock:

I will say that I'm surprised you call them your favorites and yet you slam their attempt of coming back to the top like that...

Firstly, maybe the reason I liked Edu is because he tried to imply his own style and not sing like Andre. Not that he could, but just sayin'. Then, I'd never consider him an A-Class singer, not at all, but he had passion in his performance both in studio and on stage. I consider "Temple Of Shadows" to be an excellent album and Edu delivers a great performance. These few words for Edu. Oh, and I never really liked Almah....

Now, Fabio. I liked his work on the first two Rhapsody albums and on the Athena album, then I started getting tired of all the too much symphonic stuff. I don't know if it was more the music or the performance, but I lost contact. Anyway, I was not biased, but man that DVD really let me down.

One of the ugliest things I've seen and heard is the duet with Tarja on "Stand Away"
Man, I can't even understand who likes this performance.

I'll have to watch the DVD again and mention all the points that made me want to turn it off.

As for Ricardo, it's a shame. As a fan of the original lineup I'd want him to stay.

I truly wish I'll be proven wrong in two weeks that I'll see them in France. If I am, I'll have no problem to admit it.

They'll always be one of my favorite bands and "Holy Land" will always be among my 10 favorite albums of all time, but I got to say what I believe.

And the fact is that I can barely stand to listen to my favorite songs sung by Fabio.
I would agree had it not been for Temple of Shadows. That's not a record many Power Metal bands are capable of.

I will have to go back and listen to ToS again. I remember that I did enjoy most of Rebirth and some of Aqua, I just missed the unique things that attracted me to them (Matos' voice and the native instrumentation).
Angra seems to be placed in a similar category to bands like Dream Theater and Queensryche in the sense that they have been held under constant scrutiny after releasing an album that met with an overwhelming consensus of amazement ("Images And Words," "Operation: Mindcrime," and "Holy Land"). Personally, I don't understand all of the flack that Angra receives for their last two albums. While they were certainly no "Holy Land" or "Temple Of Shadows," they were still really well-executed affairs. I truly believe that even Angra's weakest album (if you can pick one as their weakest) is still better than 75% of other releases in their genre.

Since Fabio has been involved with the band, I've gone through a rollercoaster of feelings over it. I was initially intrigued, then ecstatic when I saw the rehearsal footage from the 70,000 Tons cruise, then disappointed when I saw footage of the "Angels Cry" material from the 20th anniversary DVD, and now excited again after watching the videos posted by Milton. I've decided that I really like how Fabio approaches the Edu-era material, and I also enjoy his approach to the Andre-era material as long as it's not the speedier material from "Angels Cry." Obviously, the new album will be the final test to see how well he works within the band.

As for Bruno, I'm impressed. To my eyes and ears, he falls somewhere between the two previous drummers. He has a more natural drum sound like Ricardo, but he has a precision that's akin to that of Aquiles. It's strange to see Ricardo is suddenly out of the band, as it seemed that the band was on a roll with this new lineup, but it is what it is.

With all of that said, I hope this new Angra release comes out soon and that it's impressive enough for Glenn to extend an invitation.

Stay metal. Never rust.