
Anime typically lacks any sort of intriguing substance, or interesting characters that don't fit properly under the term "cliche", which by the way, they all do quite easily. I have to say the vast majority that the anime realm has to offer is nothing short of repulsive - take "Ghost In The Shell" - which exhibits a flagrant abuse of stupidity, and childish concepts mixed with a large amount of pubescent activities.
Most of the basic and immensely boring ideas that are the structures to anime lack depth. Oh yes they do attempt at delving deep into the human psyche and the impulses (mainly sexual) which makes us human, but fail miserably at each effort. When someone is tolerant enough to give these boring programs a time of day, you have to wonder if the writers themselves even know what their story truly is about. As there are so many incoherent traits in each movie that I have begun to feel sorry for the bleak imaginations the majority possess.

I've listened to a small number of my friends who claimed there was such a thing as good anime, and was indulgent enough to give a large amount of anime my time. I regretted it with each viewing. But surprisingly there was ONE exception, which was "Vampire Hunter D". Even then it was short of reaching the pinnacle of "good". However, it was the apex of an otherwise blatantly moronic form of entertainment (not art).

Simply put ... anime sucks.
sonofhendrix13 said:
no, i really hate all anime, no exceptions.
yes... and you can say that cause you've seen every anime ever made, yes? :Smug:

personally i have only seen a few. or read, actually. need to get around to some newer stuff.
Well, anime is cool. Though not the dubbed shit, since they defile it to the max.
But, yeah, I am an anime/manga fan, a pretty big one. Most of my day goes to anime (always fansubs).
some good stuff:
Series: Rurouni Kenshin, Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist, One Piece, Cowboy BeBop, Naruto, Dot Hack, Bleach, Detective Conan, Inuyasha, Lupin III.
Movies: Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, Princess Mononokee...

I of course am forgetting alot, but they are some good ones.