Ankara Gig.. Thanks to everyone...

Raistlin Majere

Through the hourglasses
Apr 22, 2005
Palanthas High Sorcery Tower
First of all, the concert was AMAZING. Truely amazing. We were boring ourselves with the warm-up bands when we finally saw Orphaned Land, Kobi with a t-shirt of Turkey flag on, and we felt the love. I mean at least i did :p

The tracklist was also amazing, I was about to jump to the stage in certain songs, I was infront of the stage and I was singing along the hebrew part of Kiss of Babylon with Shlomit when (orphaned land's roadie i guess) this guy told me that i was singing very well and i blushed badly :oops:

I couldn't help myself crying in certain songs, I was almost dying of thirst (because of all singing out loud) when Matti gave me a bottle of water (Thank you so much! I was about to faint if you didn't save me) And got me in a better condition. I don't know what to say, no band can be this friendly and nice, Kobi, Matti, Yossi, Uri, Shlomit... All were amazing! Shlomit's voice is like an angel's, I couldn't believe that she could perform that good lively aswell i sooo envy her...

Like the gig wasn't fascinating, the guys decided to stay for a wee meet&greet so i had the opportunity to get their autographs :) Before that, I caught Matti, being bothered with his equipment and had a sweet talk, I was so happy when he pointed out that the crowd was good (so did Shlomit, thank you all guys) and everything was just lovely! It is so nice to see such a great band being so sincere!

To Orphaned Land: Thank you so much again for this amazing gig, i truely enjoyed every moment of it... I so hope to see you again soon... You guys are the best!!

Full time Orphaned Land fan,
Konserin ilk ceyregini foto olayına ayırdım ama yetersiz ve ters isik yuzunden sunen karelerden baska bisi elde edemedim ama bisiler attim yinede sanirim...
Ve bir de itiraf;elemanlar RTN II den bu yana bizi unutmuslar ya da ben oyle dusundum hengame icinde..uzuldum ve bisi de demedim!İstanbulda tum bir gunu birlikte gecirmisken,Ankara'da-evimde- sadece izledim ve eglendim..ironic oldu!
Son olarakta Chastise,o adam dedigin benim arkadasimdi-hem anlamamissin espriyi ve geyigi,hem de konuyla ilgili stand-up yapıyosun canim...Neyse,gorunce cok sasirdim olayin bu formatini...
Konserle ilgili bi kac kisisel ayrintiyi da sonra gececegim...Eyvallah
Ko B ;

i was so near u. I touched Ko B and he kissed my t-shirt. And we shout lots of times for kiss the flag at least Ko B kissed it. Yup it was fantastic.And i touched lady ** sorry i dont know her name :( :( **

It was so good. That was the best concert that i was ever seen. Estarabim and Mutlu Ol Yeter was PERFECT !

Türkçe Meali :D : Bence konser mükemmeldi. Ko B benim t-shirt ümü öptü. O kadarda dedik bayrağı öp diye ama o anlamadı beni öptü :D
Bayan vokalin elini tuttum ya o an benim içim bi garip oldu inanılmaz bir histi bu. En Öndeki Kel Küpeli Adam Bendim !
ibaDeath said:
Konserin ilk ceyregini foto olayına ayırdım ama yetersiz ve ters isik yuzunden sunen karelerden baska bisi elde edemedim ama bisiler attim yinede sanirim...
Ve bir de itiraf;elemanlar RTN II den bu yana bizi unutmuslar ya da ben oyle dusundum hengame icinde..uzuldum ve bisi de demedim!İstanbulda tum bir gunu birlikte gecirmisken,Ankara'da-evimde- sadece izledim ve eglendim..ironic oldu!
Son olarakta Chastise,o adam dedigin benim arkadasimdi-hem anlamamissin espriyi ve geyigi,hem de konuyla ilgili stand-up yapıyosun canim...Neyse,gorunce cok sasirdim olayin bu formatini...
Konserle ilgili bi kac kisisel ayrintiyi da sonra gececegim...Eyvallah
esprinin anlanmayacak tarafı yok.. niye böyle ürkünç olma çabalarındayız anlamadım... neyse..
Abi sen beni hoşgör..40 saatin üzerinde uykusuzdum,saçmalamışım:)utandım!
yeah speacially ankara was awesome but also istanbul was great :D thanks to orphaned land :D i love you so much all of you ;) tesekkürler arkhadas :D
Merhaba to all my Turkısh frıends

I am stıll ın İstanbul at the moment enjoyıng the hospıtalıty of my wonderful frıend Daria!
Thanks to all the Turkish frıends and fellow fans that have made the shows wonderful. It ıs always a pleasure to be ın Turkey and see an OL show.
HIIIIII to everyone İ met from thıs forum :) great to fınally see your faces. My flıght home ıs today:cry: and İ wıll get the pıctures up ın the fansıte as soon as İ can.

Hugs to all the Turkısh fans :headbang:
thanks nathalie nice to meet you you're so sweet person :) i hope we will meet again soon :) thanks a lot
and thanks too avi and derya ;)
i was in the istanbul concert and it kicked ass! :headbang:
it was my 3rd time watching OL but i can say that this one was the best (and even though it was short i could finally hear Kobi sing Mutlu Ol Yeter :) he sings it pretty good i can say :) )
the whole band was amazing as usual, and the belly dancer too. it's not easy to dance in a metal show even if it's orphaned land and she handled it very well :)
and this show reminded me of how great El Norra Alila is. I started listening to it less often after I got Mabool, but hell it's a divine album! starting from the intro (Cantara) i could tell the show would be something close to holy :) and sure it was!
thanks to the band for their amazing performance and of course including Shlomit. She sure has the voice of angels! I am stunned from the moment she starts singing.
And thanks to the people i met there (in order of appearance): Derya, HeathenPride, Avi, Nathalie.. Good friends always make a good show even better.
Finally I guess the crowd in Ankara was crazier since they are always starving for a good concert there :) I think it was Orphaned Land's first time there, right? Oh you are lucky! :p
There were two problems though:

1) technicians cut the voice of Sabhankra's guitars while they were playing their last song. And they were shooting a vid for that one at that moment. argh!
2)the freakin sound system!
yeah ankara absolutely was better than istanbul especially about sound system whatever indeed both shows were amazing because of band's energy :) i love them all of my heart :worship: :D:D:D