Ankara Gig.. Thanks to everyone...

Thanks a lot for the Ankara show! It was truly one of the best shows I have ever been to though I had ill health at the time and lacked concentration due to video shooting. Not that many bands reflect such warmth and friendship. We experienced a perfect harmony of aural and visiual art live. Truly amazing and unforgettable! I have filmed 4 tracks (Joy, Esterabim, Ocean Land and Beloved's Cry) and about 50 photo shots. By now, I am in the stage of processing the materials and trying find a good file server. I hope to make them available online very soon.

Hello to all OL members and foreign friends I had met in Ankara. Hope to see you again! Hugs , kisses, light and love from Ankara...

"Once Orphaned Always Orphaned..."
siriusian said:
Thanks a lot for the Ankara show! It was truly one of the best shows I have ever been to though I had ill health at the time and lacked concentration due to video shooting. Not that many bands reflect such warmth and friendship. We experienced a perfect harmony of aural and visiual art live. Truly amazing and unforgettable! I have filmed 4 tracks (Joy, Esterabim, Ocean Land and Beloved's Cry) and about 50 photo shots. By now, I am in the stage of processing the materials and trying find a good file server. I hope to make them available online very soon.

Hello to all OL members and foreign friends I had met in Ankara. Hope to see you again! Hugs , kisses, light and love from Ankara...

"Once Orphaned Always Orphaned..."
Hi man!

Check with Nathalie or me. We use youtube with the Orphaned Disciples to share the videos and it's working pretty well. We have an Orphaned Disciples account there with several people registered to be updated when we publish a video. So gathering them are a good way to share :)

Merhaba to all!
Tessekur ederim for the GREAT words! It's been an Onur for us to perform to the turkish people again (and again! and hopefully again and again, Insha'alla!)

..and I also learned a new word for my beloved Maria: Chilgan chichiyum ;-)

Huge HUGS & KISSES to all until the next time!
i believe there are already some turkish fan websites but a unified, big turkish website would be better of course, i'll try to participate as much as i can if such a thing happens. and if we cooperate with the official fan club (orphaned disciples) i think it would be the best.
I see your point, but I think it is preferable we keep it a united effort. The wonderful thing about the fans is that we come from all places and meet in one spot. If we make a different fansite for each country- how are we going to speak to each other again??

If you want to participate in the fansite you are more than welcome to contact me about it. We would love to have different people working with us and make it as international as we can. If you want to make Turkish threads we have the forum to do it already.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
i searched thousand times but there is no big fan sites in Turkey. And there is no enough information in Turkish language.

I want to do it bec i am really the biggest fan in Turkey and i want to meet with people in Turkey who lives for OL. And i also want to give fans a Turkish documents. I will create a huge website and i want to publish videos and shows.

So i need help and i need staf....

Morticia NL. you are right but in Turkey still lots of people dont know English. And i want to create a local fan site. Here is international.

contact me in msn pls.
What do you usually feel after a concert? Happiness? satisfaction?
A concert is like a dinner; after the dinner you wouldn't be hungry for some time. But this Orphaned Land concert was different. We had very good time, enjoyed ourselves very much, had the signs of band members. I kissed Kobi. But something was different. It wasn't enough for us and we have already missed you. We will be waiting for you here till the next time.
Morticia NL. said:
Sirusian- streaming would be better, since when you make it streaming the copyright of the material is still protected.That way you are still able to share the videos with everyone.
If you need a hand- contact me

Thank you but copyright is not the issue. Moreover streaming videos even from youtube can be downloaded using third party softwares. I think I have found a good file server. I will upload it both way (ie. downloadable & streaming).

Turkey-OL-Fan said:
i searched thousand times but there is no big fan sites in Turkey. And there is no enough information in Turkish language.


Benim Türkçe bir sitem var adresinde. Pek güncelleyemiyorum ama yine de hiç yoktan iyidir. Bana haksızlık yaptığını düşünüyorum...