intet said:
I did not know her, and that is precisely the point.. Why would I care? If this wasn't reported in the news, you wouldn't care at all; you wouldn't know. I will care when I care, and not a minute sooner.
i'm not
telling you to care, on the contrary - u need to want it yourself, in your own time. and true, everything you see in the news concerning death or suffering can become something one gets numb by. i too can't escape that.
and it's true that if it hadnt been in the news, i wouldnt have known. but this is just a simple example of how numb ppl can be to horrids as this one. ok, you didnt know her personally, or even by telly, but you too must have some imagination.
you dont know me either, but what about ppl posting they lost someone?
ppl you have conversations with. sharing feelings, and jokes, you couldnt give a ducks ass? i'm starting to wonder why you ever started listening to Anathema. that stuff is all about relating mate.
By the way, how do get anything done? Mourning everyone who dies.. How much time do you give them all? How long is the waiting queue? I'd like to book a time in advance, please.
phew, you're a cynical one.. i never said i mourn every death, tho i feel for the ppl who do. cos i know how it feels like. that's called sympathy. a word i cant really extract from your comments my friend.
So what's your plan? Put on tights and a cape? Invade Syria? No one can ever be "safe" unless everybody else is locked up, or perhaps on brain-controlling drugs. If we were all engineered clones - all exactly identical and equal - then things might work. ..Or do expect to just tell the "badguys" that they're wrong and they'll stop?
what my plan is? i doubt that this is a serious question, but ey...
my plan is to be myself as much as possible, and make the best of my opportunities. by that i can try and reflect on what happens around and inside me, and perhaps be of value to others. and i will always speak my mind, and try to appeal to what i find important or lacking.
and have fun ffs!!
Picture this: I don't like being robbed, so i get together with everyone else who share the same idea and we make a law. I may not have any emotional response to some random person i've never met getting robbed, but how does that stop me from supporting the law? It's beneficial to me.
that's totally the thing i'm on about. from my p.o.v., ppl have lost (serious) interest in other ppl, empathy. what i see is that ppl only care for their own sake. mememememememe. "
i have worked hard today, so no, old woman, i'm not gonna stand up and offer you my seat in the bus" kinda thing. just a small example of how ppl just wont invest anymore - without expecting anything in return. or invest in the long term.
losing empathy on a broader scale (society in general): here's the example. i would feel like shit if i'd have to live just for myself. if ppl can't invest anymore, shoot me to the moon. luckily enough, i do have mates like that, and hopefully i'm that too. that's where it starts. but that's right now where it ends as well.
as soon as as many ppl as possible see that this leads to nowhere, crimes will drop, and everyone will have enough to eat, drink and build lives on. fair chances, fair play. this is no hippie crap, this is statistically
real. it's only lacking a global attitude right now.
if those in charge set an example of the opposing attitude, many will follow, i'm sure of that. many
have already followed other examples, and here you have the result. war, theft, rape and murder.
that's what we're used to, so alternatives wont just fly in - an effort has to be made to make changes. that's how i see it, and i believe there are more. but it's easier to keep things as it is.
but regardless, thanx for replying properly.