Anna Lindh

I read two of the articles, what they seemed to suggest is that even emotions are learned. The brain stuff in connection with criminals was very interesting, but still, what it says to me is that if the brain is damaged in some way and that prevents these people from seeing what's morally "right" or "wrong", that's because their brain cannot learn the difference (cause it's defective in some ways). Okay, you can't "tell" these people not to kill and that, cause it's their brain that won't work that way, but it's still all about learning not to kill and not about being born with the knowledge.
intet said:
I'm sure this is all very interesting.

Oh, but he who pays the piper calls the tune, so I hereby declare my right to coming up with all the crap, hehe, simply by happening to be here. So we're calling the tune, and if someone doesn't like it s/he can lick my ass :grin:
intet said:
Norwegian and Danish are dead easy: Norwegian is just Swedish done in a hilarious comedy voice, and Danish sounds like a Swede getting deep-throated.

So everything is related to Swedish, lol. I wanted to learn Norwegian, but now I'm happy I didn't start it, hilarious comedy voice.... :ill:
intet said:
I'm sure I could do German too if we had more German programming..

Norwegian and Danish are dead easy: Norwegian is just Swedish done in a hilarious comedy voice, and Danish sounds like a Swede getting deep-throated.

..I'm sure this is all very interesting.

BAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Norway has 2 languages, bokmål which is quite simular to Danish, and nynorsk which is unintelligible. As for Swedish I have no trouble reading it, but 90% of the Swedes I meet are so drunken that I don't understand them. And it's so annoying that people insist that we communicate in Danish/Swedish.
Dhatura said:
I read two of the articles, what they seemed to suggest is that even emotions are learned. The brain stuff in connection with criminals was very interesting, but still, what it says to me is that if the brain is damaged in some way and that prevents these people from seeing what's morally "right" or "wrong", that's because their brain cannot learn the difference (cause it's defective in some ways).
Not necessarily damage to the brain after birth, but in some cases a naturally formed "defect".

Dhatura said:
Okay, you can't "tell" these people not to kill and that, cause it's their brain that won't work that way, but it's still all about learning not to kill and not about being born with the knowledge.
If someone can't learn, they won't learn. Everyone else can pretty much be taught not to kill, though, but it seems a bit dependent on the brain evolution gave us; the brain that favours a social life. But it's only natural to see some variation from individual to individual, and there will continue to be those who deviate enough to cause some trouble, unless we somehow gain control over these traits in our offspring. Genetics? At least I'd prefer that to some extreme Big Brother future where everyone is meticulously observed, categorized and controlled.

..But i'm no expert.
intet said:
You must really love that bridge, don't you, Denmark?

I like Swedes, really. Just had my share working at "Bakken" this summer. Was there like massive advertising for "Bakken" in Sweden? Nearly half of our customers were Swedes. And 80% of those (it seemed) were drunken, grumpy, unhappy 40 yearolds.
intet said:
You could probably change the minds of suicide bombers by changing the religious teachings they are subjected to, but when there is no observable trigger like religion then how do you know who to change?

i believe it's a mondial responsibility of those who are able to think straight and without prejudice.
most of those have an ostrich kinda passiveness. :Smug:
i just cant understand why we always tend to wipe the dust under the carpet, the figures dont lie.