Anneke van Giersbergen quits The Gathering

As much as I love the metal bands with female vocals, I never really got into The Gathering. They just never had enough energy or power for me. Maybe I wasn't listening to the right stuff, but they just never grabbed me. I hope with this new band, Anneke gets to move a little more towards the metal side of things and get a better chance to show off her talent as a vocalist.

I doubt it will happen.. It's probably going to be even softer than the Gathering...
posted on some other forums too:

I will always regret missing them I believe it was, the Summer of '99 when I was unemployed..when they opened for King's X. I didn't know who they were at the time.

Never been highly into their music, altho I haven't heard a ton. But I always considered them the best of the Metal Bands with female vocals (lacuna coil, Evanescence, Nightwish, among others).

And the fact she is beautiful as she is doesn't help, but if she has another band, that's great. I could go for seeing them (her band or The Gathering) sometime if they ever make it back to Mpls.
This really does suck. I do agree with some that Nighttime Birds was amazing. Such passion and depth in her voice then. I think The Gathering could be done. We'll see. I hate it when people mature sometimes :)