Anniversary - Ultimate Gift


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
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I was working 13 hour days for the last ten weeks, during which was my 13th anniversary. I had no time to get a gift or throw a party, but I had a plan that I have actually been thinking of for a few years.

I made a CD of love songs for my wife and gave it to her. Well... they are love songs to me.

Of course The Ultimate Gift was one of the songs.

Also included was:

Ghost of a Chance - Rush
I Found Love - Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band
Sweet Life - Paul Davis
Madly, Truly, Deeply - Savage Garden

There might be one or two more, I can't remember here at work.

I was rather nervous and afraid that she wouldn't like it, however when I called her later from work she said it was THE BEST thing I could have gave her.

I just thought I'd tell the tale since so many of us like The Ultimate Gift.

Take care.
Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say : Thank you for the music! (ABBA :)) When you give someone songs like that they'll know how much you love them. I like Rush's Ghost of a chance a lot. And sure The Ultimate can't be missed on an album like that.
Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say : Thank you for the music! (ABBA :)) When you give someone songs like that they'll know how much you love them. I like Rush's Ghost of a chance a lot. And sure The Ultimate Gift can't be missed on an album like that.
Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say : Thank you for the music! (ABBA :)) When you give someone songs like that they'll know how much you love them. I like Rush's Ghost of a chance a lot. And sure The Ultimate Gift can't be missed on an album like that.
Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say : Thank you for the music! (ABBA :)) When you give someone songs like that they'll know how much you love them. I like Rush's Ghost of a chance a lot. And sure The Ultimate Gift can't be missed on an album like that.
Yeah this is definately the most romantic song I've ever heard. I once typed all the lyrics out, put a nice background behind it, framed it, and gave it to my girlfriend (at the time) as an anniversary present. Yeah, it worked ;)