

Ego-Boosted Southlander
Nov 20, 2001
Lvsitania Deluxe
I hereby announce that from this day on, I'll no longer be a member of this forum. Congratulations on Mehdi, his friends and e-friends. Call me anything you want for doing this and say nothing really does e-matter, but I'm off for good. Victory for you. It was my right to post pics and I offended no one. It really is my fault for e-caring but hey, that's me. Anyway, who cares innit? To all the people who want it, my msn is . You may catch me there for a chat like. And I do know there are some real nice people in here.

Cheers and bye,
oh, that's what this is about :p .

The thin red line of course ( :confused: ), it was disgusting anyways and too harsh.

And I thought you'd remember me pushing you for modo...
what`s wrong with you people.
i thought we where here for fun,what is the fun in pissing people off?
and that pic rasher/sqeeeeel posted it is really insane.
i dont get it is it e-cool to provoke people.
nice for the new people that come here to get some info on the band and what will they see poo pics.
well done.:erk:
Don't let yourself be driven away by some freaky fucking morons. If these idiots feel the need to post crap like that - stand above it, they're just too stupid to get anybody's attention any other way, and they don't deserve to get so much importance that someone really feels offended by them. Just ignore them and talk to the people here that are worth it.
Are you jealous because his girlfriend is way more beautiful than yours? Ot because he lives in Portugal, one of the greatest places on this planet? Go get yourself a life ffs...
Is it? Then what? Stupidity? Puberty? Affinity for perverted stuff? Sorry, but this picture is so disgusting and offending to Achernar, it should have been deleted by some moderator immediately..
i wasnt talking about your post,some posts above.boy you should have posted an attention picture so i could humiliate all that might count for you with a fake one,thats the way,e-manhood at its best(ironic mode on,im with you) :( :( pity for the brains of the algere