Announcing the 2007 Quintology

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Lamentations of the Flame Princess will release five issues in 2007:

The Shameless: Unsigned and Small-Label Bands, 28 pages
The Timeless: A Very Special Surprise Issue! 28 page A4-sized format.
The Nameless: Covering music based on HP Lovecraft, his peers, and his influences. Special packaging, 52 pages!
The Skinless: An issue dedicated to GORE METAL bands past and present! 28 pages.
The Godless: An issue dedicated to those bands whose sole focus is religion. Whether the band is Christian, Muslim, Satanic, atheist, Hindu, Buddhist... doesn't matter. 28 pages.


In ancient Aztec cosmology, 5, 2007, and 68 are very powerful numbers, each capable of shattering worlds. 2007 begins the countdown to armageddon, being a mere 5 years away from 2012, the end of the world in the Mayan and Aztec calendars. Sixty-eight is the number of grand pyramids built by the Aztecs to sacrifice to Quetzalcouatl in determining this date. The Spanish explorers were shocked to find that they would often sacrifice five groups of sixty-eight to the gods at each of these pyramids every year in a ritual lasting for 33 hours and 27 minutes... 2007 minutes exactly!

In honor of this kvlture of brave warriors, LotFP has dedicated its next five issues to bringing its message of warrior principles and blood sacrifice to its reasons, through the concave lens that is called Heavy Metal! All Hail Metal! All Hail The True Metal of Death! All Hail Feathery Serpents With Names We Can't Possibly Pronounce Correctly!

... or maybe this is half-made up and LotFP just wants to make its numbering system honest, seeing as how five of the "weekly" issues in 2002 were simply double-sized and double-numbered to try to cover up the fact that weeks were missed.
Here's how it will work:

Each issue of the Quintology WILL count as an issue on your subscription. I bleed enough money on this zine as it is, folks. So if your final issue right now is #69, then when you get #68b, your subscription is up.

#66 and #67 have some freebies that go out... #66 had them all through Kråklund and Firebox here in Finland. #67 has a few regional distros that will each get around 20 copies. The Quintology will have just 15 freebies of each issue to go to Kråklund for the Vaasa locals. Otherwise, you order ALL of them, or NONE of them. The "order next issue" will be removed, and you are in for the next 5. As the 5 are released, this does not change. Say #69c has been released and we're waiting on #69d... if someone orders the Quintology, then a-c ships to them immediately, and then they'd get d and e as they are released.

(if a subscription runs out in the middle of this, of course you don't have to re-pay for issues... that will be worked out individually)

Each issue in the Quintology will have a theme. What these themes will be is not yet decided. But my idea for the next five issues is to get the shovel into the ground and DIG. Write about shit that nobody else is writing about, have content that's both useful and interesting, play with some ideas to make each issue unlike anything else in metal literature, and have 2007 be mentioned years from now amongst LotFP readers.

We will gloriously succeed or we will crash and burn like no one has crashed and burned before.

If history is any guide, our "2007 Quintology" will finish sometime in 2009. :p But finish it will.
Here's what the Quintology will consist of:

The Shameless: Unsigned and Small-Label Bands, 28 pages
The Timeless: A Very Special Surprise Issue! 28 page A4-sized format.
The Nameless: Covering music based on HP Lovecraft, his peers, and his influences. Special packaging, 52 pages!
The Skinless: An issue dedicated to GORE METAL bands past and present! 28 pages.
The Godless: An issue dedicated to those bands whose sole focus is religion. Whether the band is Christian, Muslim, Satanic, atheist, Hindu, Buddhist... doesn't matter. 28 pages.

All page counts are subject to change. Certain issues will have guest writers. This will be quite metal.

Very tentative release dates: January, April, July, September, December 2007.
I assume you will be covering Moss?

I haven't even thought that far ahead yet. :) "Oh, cool topic, and I know what the issue will look like!" is as far as I've gotten. After The Timeless is out, then I'll have a few months to dig in to this one. However, keep the suggestions coming because it makes things that much easier when the time comes.
I haven't even thought that far ahead yet. :) "Oh, cool topic, and I know what the issue will look like!" is as far as I've gotten. After The Timeless is out, then I'll have a few months to dig in to this one. However, keep the suggestions coming because it makes things that much easier when the time comes.

Well I am almost positive that you've thought of Metallica. But I'll say it anyhow.

Also, from Wikipedia --

heavy metal bands, including Black Sabbath, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Nile, Electric Wizard, Philosopher, Aarni, Bal-Sagoth, and Vesania have been influenced lyrically by Lovecraft's work. British metal band Cradle of Filth released an album in 2002 entitled "Lovecraft and Witch Hearts." On the inside cover is part of a poem by H. P. Lovecraft, and reads as follows:

For here, apart, dwells one whose hands have wrought
Strange eidola that chill the world with fear;
Whose graven runes in tomes of dread have taught
What things beyond the star-gulfs lurk and leer.
Dark Lord of Averoigne - whose windows stare
On pits of dream no other gaze could bear!"

The Live After Death album from Iron Maiden shows Eddie the Head on a stormy night rising from his grave. His gravestone has a quote from Lovecraft: "That is not dead, which can eternal lie. Yet with strange eons, even death may die".

& then there's The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets -- Cthulhu Strikes Back
Musically, Moss is not good

Musically, Moss is unreal. Granted, I've only heard the samples on their myspace page but thus far I am floored. I can't find anywhere to buy this in the states but I'm willing to hand over my feeble dollar to the almighty British sterling keepers for a CD, and the packaging is supposed to be cool. (It's only going to be released on MC in the USA).


(They've done a cover of "Cop" by Swans on some split as well which I'd be interested in hearing.)
Musically, Moss is unreal. Granted, I've only heard the samples on their myspace page but thus far I am floored. I can't find anywhere to buy this in the states but I'm willing to hand over my feeble dollar to the almighty British sterling keepers for a CD, and the packaging is supposed to be cool. (It's only going to be released on MC in the USA).


(They've done a cover of "Cop" by Swans on some split as well which I'd be interested in hearing.)

To me, they are celebrating more of a sound rather than songs, which I cannot stand in most cases. I need a song, but if they cover Swans, maybe I have not heard that side of their style.

This is close to all that drone and funeral doom stuff - and that genre is worth shit to me, sorry...
I'm not a huge fan either, only owning a few select albums but that's mostly because you don't need too much of this stuff. That said, when it works, it obliterates all.

Case in point: Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet".

However, Moss sounds a lot less mournful and a lot more Lovecraft.