
Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
Hi all, I have been encountering this extremely annoying problem with Reaper lately. I'll be having a good time mixing things, tweaking plugins and whatnot getting the sounds i want, and i hit save when i come to a good stopping point. Sounds like a typical god day of mixing right? Well that all goes to shit when i load up Reaper again. I mean, it saves the plugins i was using previously, as well as the parameters... to an extent. Usually when i open up a project, i have it saved with all the effects turned off so when i load it up and press play, i hear everything raw. When i start turning on the effects, the tracks will go silent. That is because one or more of the plugins in the chain are not working properly. Why would this be? I mean, i pull up the fx chain, and i see "Reaper" parameters, meaning the GUI of the actual plugin does not appear, but instead it is the horizontal Reaper parameter faders set in a grey background. Those of you who use Reaper should know what i am talking about when i describe what it is i see.

So it is almost like Reaper is throwing out the actual plugin, though saving my parameters. At any rate, that does me no good because the only way i know of to get it working again is to just load up another instance of that VST and start from scratch. AND I HATE THAT!

Is anybody else having (or had) this problem? Maybe it is a bug in the updated Reaper versions? Although it shouldnt be because it has been doing this for a month or so, and i just installed the new version that was released yesterday.

*Note, it does not happen with all my plugins, only certain ones. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA!

the only time iv had this happen is when im using plugins that arnt exactly stable so its probably not reapers fault. what plugins are doing it? whenever it has happened to me i was able to just save and reload reaper and it was fine.
Will Reaper save presets of those fx?
Talking about the dropdown menu above the gui.
Do you have anything funny checked in the main preferences settings, like "Disable saving full plugin state" under "Plug-ins" - "Compatibility"?
Just random ones, too many to list. It must be Reaper's fault, because it didn't used to do this before and it started completely out of the blue.

no offence but it's not too many to list if you actually want help.

Just go to View>Project Media/FX bay.
Click on the FX tab.

Take a screenshot.

Plugins running as demos might not save presets. Toneboosters is one company that does that.
Maybe give us some more info (plugins used), not sure why yours would be doing that, I've never had that problem.
Some examples of plugins would be some of my Poulin plugs, Waves plugs, Rocket Compressor, TWest plugs. Just loaded up a project and noticed that the vocal tracks with the Rocket Compressor still have the plugins running functionally, but not for the drums.

Also, there is an issue i get sometimes, where if im starting to overload the CPU by adding more VSTs to a track, it'll start to slow down reaper as if it were going to crash, then after a short wait, it till come back fine, but every plugin in the project will go to the aforementioned "grey" state of being inoperable. Leading me to have to save the project, close it, then reopen it. Quite inconvenient if you ask me.

Edit: working on the project now, Tried duplicating a track, and it gave me the "Reaper is not responding" message from Windows. After it started to respond, all the plugins are inoperable. This is the main time when it occurs, when i duplicate a track. Now i have to save, close and reopen again -.-

Also adding that every time I load up reaper, i "reaper_host32.exe has stopped working" almost as soon as i open it (though it will still get past that point if i click out of that window). I think i am coming to the conclusion that if i never had that problem, my plugins would still be working just fine. My theory is that either the plugins are what is causing Reaper's instability, or it is Reaper. But why would that be? It used to run just fine until recently, and this is a relatively new system I am operating on. -_______-
I don't think that is it. Not to sound stubborn, But the same thing has been happening the past 3 or 4 versions of Reaper. And I always update as soon as i get the notification, which means i have reinstalled 3 or 4 times since the problem started to arise.
In my experience, a single vst can fuck up your whole system until you delete it. That's one of the reasons why nowadays I don't use random vsts, only commercial ones or freewares from trusted origin.

Have you done a clean install of Reaper again ? By clean I mean completely uninstalling and then reinstalling, including the vst folder it scans, stuff like that ?
Uninstalling... wont that delete everything having to do with Reaper off of my hard drive/registry, as opposed to simply replacing the executable? Or will all my folders, presets, templates, etc all be in tact? And i am also unfamiliar with what .Net framework is.

I was monitoring Reaper as i loaded a project today, it seems that every time i got the message saying Reaper is not working, it was when LeCab2 was loading, however that is one of the plugins that remains unaffected by this issue...
A few days ago I had an issue where reaper (64 bit ) suddenly decided to not bridge any of my 32 bit plugins. All the plugins were in my fx folder but for some reason they weren't being recognized by reaper. After some major frustration I ended up have to delete all of my 32 bit dll files from the fx folder, uninstall reaper, reinstall it again and painful re download and in stall all of the 32 bit plugins again ( i had to do that cause using the dll's that I had for them and copying them into my fx folder still didnt work for me). Once i did that everything worked my project, my plugins, templates were all still there, the only things they I had to re set were the 32 bit ones that I was using. It was a pain the ass but at least I didn't loss everything after re installing it.