Another Arch Enemy rip-off! Shred! Epic!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hell yes. I had so much fun doing the first one, so hungover as hell I decided to write another one. This one sounds way more like AE, and I enjoyed it so much I'm gonna make this into a project, so hilariously dubbed "Arch Enema". Maybe do a couple of these songs and put them out as an EP for free download.

About the song/recording, it was a bit more serious than the first one, and more effort went into the writing and tracking. Experimented some with guitar/vocal layering but ended up going sort of the same way as the other one.

So dig it! I really do. Listens and comments would be much appreciated! :headbang:
Found the hi-hats overpowering the snare, and add some more click to the bass to bring it in the mix. But the song is awesome!
Hah, yes those fucking hihats! It's actually the EZdrummer one, and it's a motherfucker to mix. Always eating up everything that gets close to it, and HPs and compression just takes away any attack in it. But yeah I'll try to fix it, thanks for the comment!
I think the drums could come up, especially the kick and snare.

I'm generally not a fan of the EZ drummer sounds, so I won't comment too much on them other than it sounds very much like EZ drummer.

Personally I'd drop the gain down a bit on the guitars to clear things up a little. Also the bass has a hell of a lot of subs there, I think the sound could be more controlled.

Really liked the song though, good stuff!
Thanks man, appreciate the comment!

If I could afford Superior 2.0, I'd definitly go with that! Maybe in a few months eh? (/Canadian)

Yeah, sure I could probably drop the gain! I usually don't play with that much gain, but with all the tracks I guess it piles up. And the bass can just fuck off haha, it's just pitch shifted guitar, with a really high LP to avoid all the twangy string-noise. I try to get everything but the "bass" out of it, just to fill the low-end, I'll get a real bass soon though. But I'll check it out, trying to get the low end more focused, cause I really hear what you mean.

Also, this song has been a bitch mixing all around, cause it's fast. With fast songs comes a whole different level of mixing issues that needs sorting out I'm noticing, and I'm still pretty new to this!

EDIT: Really great to hear that you liked the song, that makes me fucking happy!
Great song writing and vox! I'd agree that the guits have a little too much gain, and the drums, well... they're EZ drums, what can I say. But you've done quite a good job at that!
hey man...

I really like the song

I just think the drums are not smacking enough.

Actually, I think the gain on the guitars are fine. They bring me back a few years to when thrash was all about the high gain guitars.

Vocals are bang on man... you just have to get those drums out there.

Try parallel compression on your snare, kick and toms... and on that channel, boost a good amount of 60-100hz shelve, 3-5k bell and 10k shelve.

What's your rig for the guitars?
Sickan: Det är inte så jävla svårt, det handlar mest om att öva, som allting annat! :lol: Jag har sjungit i ett dödsmetall band i tre år nu, och allt repande har gjort mig väldigt bekväm med min röst, så jag kan utnyttja den till max så att säga. Angående teknik så är det vääldigt svårt att beskriva, jag tror man lär sig bäst genom att experimentera själv och utveckla sin egen teknik.

Jason: The more I listen to this mix, the more I'm disliking it! And I'm having very serious thoughts about re-recording it all, and include DI tracks! I might even do it today, if I don't have anything better to do! And the drums are parallel compressed to hell and back, but I'm pretty new to the technique so I'm not sure if I am doing it right! I'm gonna redo the drums with DFH properly, so dudes can get the MIDI for it aswell and I'll def try what you said!

And the guitars were quite simply: ESP Eclipse I-CTM with (of course) EMG 81/60 going into my SansAmp, through the PreSonus Inspire into (most likely) Guitarhack
impulses in Boogex. Guitar were tripple tracked L/C/R.

cobhc: I have gotten several requests for it actually, so fuck it. I'm gonna load up Cubase right now and re-record with DIs and redo the drums. We'll see how long it takes! I got a few days off now, so hopefully I'll be able to rap it up ASAP!