Another BLACK ALBUM tone test.

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Inspired by another thread, I thought I'd have a very quick go at attempting some more black album toneage with a POD.

Never really tried to do anything like this before so feel free to insult away.

(I know the bass sounds poor, and that I sing the wrong line the second time... just copied and pasted the first line because it is midnight and I'm off to bed now)
F&"* ing hell mate thats good!!

All id say is the gtrs are a tiny tiny bit overgained (but i still love it)

btw what were your panning settings for the 4 gtrs??? - i did > L 100 R 100 and L 70 R 70
F&"* ing hell mate thats good!!

All id say is the gtrs are a tiny tiny bit overgained (but i still love it)

btw what were your panning settings for the 4 gtrs??? - i did > L 100 R 100 and L 70 R 70


Well inspired your thread, I thought I'd have a go at using the line6 Agro amp, as I have never tried it before... but I actually used less gain than you! Think I had it at 65. (The passive pick ups on my explorer are quite high gain) L 100 R 100 and L 80 R 80.

I think I'm gonna try it again with a real bass, a bit less gain, and maybe triple track it each side haha.
Dan, why didn't you do the vocals for that clipping death master of puppets song you did? It's pretty close. You could try doubling up (or duplicating) the vocal track then using melodyne to lower the formant of one of the takes to make the voice deeper and thicker.
Dan, why didn't you do the vocals for that clipping death master of puppets song you did? It's pretty close. You could try doubling up (or duplicating) the vocal track then using melodyne to lower the formant of one of the takes to make the voice deeper and thicker.

Cheers! I didn't do clipping death because I'm not really confident enough of my own voice and I also wanted to share out the duties between various people rather than hog everything myself!

I think i'm gonna cover all of Holier Than Thou and see if I can actually sing the rest of it. Hetfield occasionally goes surprisingly high.
Hi Dan! I had the same problem with my voice..I didn´t had the balls to try vocals. After some positive feedback, I finally got the courage to sing!

Your voice sounds very good! Would like to hear more of your singing!

Backinggroup is great, as well! Very good job, dude!
If you had not said that it was you singing I would've been thinking that it is actually James rehearsing for some Black Album vox sessions back then...
Amazing!!! Just do it! :rock:

Guitar tone is also reeeally close an as stated above a bit too "gainy".